Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Justice League 3001 #7

The Scullions are modelled on Lex Luthor, aren't they?

Rating: No change. I was going to drop the ranking because Giffen and DeMatteis always do this and it's disconcerting. Issue after issue of wacky hijinks and recycled jokes until WHAM! Everybody dies! Tragedy! Not a joke to be seen! Grim dialogue! Funereal mood! Guy slapping Ice! They might want to take something for their bipolar writing condition.

But then the drop in rankings was balanced out by the new direction. The Justice League still exists with basically all the same members (they've got a super, a bat, an amazon, a lantern, a speedster, and Fire and Ice) but it's now an all female cast. All the guys were killed off. Except Guy. Guy's still a guy but with a woman's body. Except he also isn't since he's being subsumed by the female personality inside the body his DNA was mixed with. So technically she's the one who slapped Ice.

Anyway, the guys probably aren't all dead anyway. Superman was the only one seen being killed, so they'll probably all reappear as the new all male Super Budddies.

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