Monday, March 5, 2012

Demon Knights #4

Issue Four begins with The Shining Knight immediately having a vision and flipping out. Maybe it'll be like a Lost flashback. We need to see what The Shining Knight is in order to understand The Shining Knight's motivations during the rest of this battle. A battle that I suspect will not take place until issue five.
Shining Knight's vision is pretty standard for the Dark Ages.

The Holy Grail!

Merlin reminds The Shining Knight when they first met at the fall of Camelot OVER 9000!! years ago. Artus the Bear King had already been removed to Avalon. I guess Arthur is cursed somehow to relive his reign, his wound, and the fall of Camelot age upon age? Does this have anything to do with The Once and Future King? Also, this is why The Shining Knight called Xanadu and Jason liars when they had said that they had been at the fall of Camelot.

This is Merlin just before he gives the Shining Knight a sip from the Holy Grail. It is this sip and this memory that have driving The Shining Knight on his endless quest. A quest which Merlin explains is a quest for something that can never be had. Interesting that Merlin is doing the same thing but possibly cannot see it from his own perspective. He's on an impossible quest to beat back the evil forces from destroying the utopia of Camelot. It's Memento all over again!

The Shining Knight shared her long-lived blood with his Pegasus so that the Pegasus now is long-lived as well. Sometimes The Shining Knight and her horse sleep for centuries under hillsides. It was one of these times The Shining Knight slept under Yggdrasil, receiving one drop of water from its root and having this same vision The Shining Knight is having now. Another repeated motif in The Shining Knight's life.

So the beasts come for him and not Camelot. Merlin is always doomed to failure because Merlin is the problem. From Memento to Lost in the Funhouse."

Merlin needs the Grail to rebuild Camelot. But Merlin lost the Grail when he threw it into a place in the Earth where things are kept safely for the future. It actually looks like a volcano. The Grail is now lost in time. The Shining Knight has been given the task of finding it and Merlin assures The Shining Knight that "[it] along stand[s] a chance of finding that which was lost. And returning it to [Merlin] after too long a journey."
Meanwhile, the Questing Queen awakens from the same vision (apparently)! Or maybe just a vision very similar. Who knows? Maybe Merlin gives this vision to a whole bunch of people to convince them to keep looking for the Grail. Seems like a better method than putting posters up on street corners.
And then the Horsewoman gets space madness. Or Dark Ages Madness, maybe.


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