I'm not a huge fan of John Romita Jr's art but I'm sure glad he's an artist and not a writer because the interview with him in the back of all the comics this week makes him sound like a dope.
So Superman tears open his shirt and his normal clothes bubble away into nothing?
What I should be bitching about is how Geoff Johns is probably going to ignore any Reboot History of Superman established by all the previous writers in his attempt to write the newest, most definingest story about Superman that's every been written!
First things first! A parable about Superman to introduce a character whose roots are nearly identical to Superman's. Fifty bucks there's a baby in that bag!
Why is it that Superman and Batman's morally opposite doppelgangers' names are so similar? Wraith and Wrath?
I realized I was really getting ahead of myself there and figured I'd better make sure a baby was in that satchel! It could have been Streaky! Fuck. Now I wish it had been Streaky!
Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen, is on hand to photograph Superman's defeat of Titano and maybe win a Putzlitzer! But when he develops the film (or looks at the digitized picture because analog pictures are for third rate free papers that rely solely on ad sales), it's just a blur of red and blue and an overexposed mess.
Why would a robot monkey have bad breath? Authenticity? Also, why breath?!
I don't know how many pages in the conversation between Perry and Jimmy takes place because I'm too lazy to flip a few pages and count, but it's at that point where I begin to have growing confidence in Superman and his retinue finally getting some justice done to them and their stories. In just a few panels, Geoff Johns turns Lobdell's story about Jimmy Olsen receiving millions of dollars from his missing parents into something that makes sense for the character. Jimmy may have been left the money but it was entirely on accident and he'll probably need to repay his parents when they suddenly reappear. It's also pointed out that they "disappeared" due to allegations against them. As Perry White notes, Jimmy's parents are dicks.
I know Lobdell gave Olsen lots of money then recanted and said Olsen's parents will be back and he's just been given power of attorney over the money until then, but none of it was explained in such a nonsense free way as these few panels. If it was, I may have missed it because my head was in the Lobdell Bucket I keep near my chair to catch the vomit which frequently forces its way out of my system when I read his scripts.
I wonder if Clark Kent will also get his job back! The final panel of this page has a character off-panel saying, "Mr. White?" I hope it's Clark come to get his job back. He's probably sick of showing Cat Grant how to turn her computer on.
It is Clark but he didn't come back for his job. He came back because Perry White wants to give him back his job. But Clark is going to have to think about whether or not he wants to be around Lois Lane every day knowing she's with that punk Jon Carroll. Maybe Carroll will die before the end of this issue! Clark would rush back to the job then! But not too fast! He doesn't want to look desperate. Or blow his secret identity.
That's because Ma didn't use heat vision.
Some new alien robot thing comes out of the ship and hurts Superman because that's what John Romita Jr said he learned about Superman in his All Access interview: Superman has to lose. It's the only way to make him human! So essentially, Superman is the most powerful being in the universe except once a month when some other being that is more powerful attacks Earth. You know Johns, there are other ways to make Superman seem vulnerable!
Superman doesn't have to worry though because he's saved by a twenty five year old guy with super powers. I wonder who it could be?! Good thing he's about to tell me!
Aha! He's actually Earth's version of Superman! I guess his parents really did live in Dimension One, the most important dimension!
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