Monday, June 16, 2014

Justice League United #2

Hawkman grew his arm back already? Now I want to shoot up with Nth Metal.

I've been watching Season One of Young Justice on Netflix right now. I'm impressed. I'm not surprised that I'm impressed because DC seems to have a way with cartoons that they don't have anymore with comic books. I've missed a lot of DC's cartoons simply because I find it hard to care enough to be awake on Saturday mornings. The last time I watched a Saturday morning cartoon regularly was in 2002 and it was Yu-Gi-Oh. I'm only about eight episodes or so into Young Justice but the part that got me most excited (aside from realizing Winnie Cooper was the voice of Martian Teenagegirlhunter) was when Teekl appeared and ran inside to Klarion the Witch Boy. Jack Kirby created a lot of great characters but Klarion the Witch Boy might be my all time favorite. I do own the original Demon comic book where he first appeared but I really fell in love with him when Alan Grant was writing The Demon.

That has nothing to do with Justice League United but then when does anything I say ever have anything to do with the comic book I'm supposed to be reading? If you want organization and coherence, might I suggest Comic Vineyard or Funny Book Resources?

The issue begins with Miiyahbin and her friend Heather poking around the alien base where Adam Strange found his rocket suit.

Oh yeah. She's screaming for a fucking nickname. I'll never remember that! Why couldn't Heather be the new First Nations superhero?

Justice League Canada are currently on Rann according to the not-funny-at-all DC version of the Encyclopedia Galactica. Although the Encyclopedia Galactica might never actually have been funny. It could just be that whenever a writer for the Hitchhiker's Guide referenced it, they took some liberties with it to make the entry sound more interesting. Sort of like what I do with DC's comic books!

Damn. He can pinpoint the galaxy they're in just by looking at a few moons in the sky?! Martian Manhunter is even more amazing than I already thought he was!

I'm surprised Martian Manhunter even took Ollie's question seriously. How dare Green Arrow expect the alien to know all alien things! I guess Ollie never went fishing with his grandfather when he was younger, so he never learned the meaning of the word "prejudiced."

The Elemental Creature was Zeta Beamed to Rann with the JLC, so they need to spend a few more pages battling it. Luckily Supergirl shows up for some reason. She's not a Red Lantern anymore so she must be lonely again and looking for another surrogate family. She doesn't save everybody from the creature because some Rannites arrive to contain the creature with their superior technology and greater knowledge.

On a Thanagarian moon, Hawkman and Twat Lobo continue to scuffle.

While two characters I hate with the burning intensity of twenty rebellious sons, Byth gives birth to Ultra the Super Baby, Slayer of Worlds. That's putting an awful lot of pressure on the kid before it even awakens for the first time. What if it wants to be an actor or a poet? Just because Byth couldn't fulfill his own dream of slaying worlds that doesn't mean he should force his child to pursue the same goals.

The Rannianite that brought the Justice League Canada to Rann gives a brief explanation of the wars that plague the Polaris and Vegan systems. He points out how Thanagar and Czarnia are at the heart of the conflict which would mean that DC has decided to run with Rob Liefeld's earlier mistake of claiming the Czarnians are still alive. I suppose that's also a reason for Twat Lobo as well. Original Lobo must be schizophrenic and believes that he committed genocide against his own people but in actuality, they're all still healthy enough to commit war atrocities against a bunch of other races. I think I hate DC just a little bit more by giving in to Rob Liefeld's bullshit.

Sardath of Rann explains that Project Super Baby Ultra was a peaceful project where they would create a monster bearing the DNA of all the races in the universe. The grotesque and misshapen barely alive mess would be loved by all. It would also live in incredible pain from all the genetic problems fucking up its system. But at least it would bring the universe together! Except for those races that hate babies or hate children of interracial couples or just don't like changing diapers. The plan probably could have used a few more brainstorming sessions to work out all the kinks. But before Sardath and his scientists could finish creating the freak, Byth stole the baby for himself! Now Sardath needs the Justice League Canada to clean up his shit.

Oh fuck you, J'onn. Enough with this "playing God" bullshit. Why is creating a hybrid baby playing god? Science is science! Why is there suddenly an imaginary line between all the science that is done without J'onn judging it and then making a hybrid baby? I think you're playing God, J'onn, by judging these scientists and their actions! You dick. Go fuck an Oreo.

The Justice League Canada crash Byth's birthing party but they're too late. Super Baby Ultra wakes up with eyes full of stars, says "Greg?" and then pisses a fiery hole right through the wall of Byth's headquarters.

Meanwhile, Hawkman and Twat Lobo take their fight into the vacuum of space with the winner to be determined later.

Justice League United #2 Rating: No change. I didn't feel the writing was quite as snappy as the previous two issues but I still like this team better than any of the others. Okay, I like Justice League Dark the best but their roster is in such flux right now, I don't know who will be on it and if I'll like them or not. So right now, this is the best team. Although Supergirl's introduction was a bit unexplained. She heard a beast roar from light years away and came to investigate? Like she isn't hearing roars from all over the universe? She just decided to investigate this one? Okay, whatever. I'll buy it! I mean, comic books, right?

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