Aquaman almost looks like he's enjoying this.
This issue begins in the East China Sea which I don't believe is a truly sanctioned sea, so Aquaman is out of his league. Get it? League! As in an ocean term that means something oceany! I think a league is the distance a pirate ship can travel while the Captain rapes the cabin boy. Unless that's a furlong! As in, "The Captain can't last furlong now, what with his scurvy causing a bad case of limp dick. Oh and 'Arr' and whatnot."
Oh yeah! The thing about the East China Sea is that it's full of mutated fish monsters calling for help. Aquaman has decided he'll help them because nobody else is calling for his help. I mean, there was that one guy having some trouble with pop-eye in his tropical aquarium but screw him. It's like the third time in six months. He should really give up the fish hobby.
The creatures first goal (by which I mean the first goal of the person controlling the creatures. Duh!) is to attack The Operative and his grandson and his grandson's lady friend Sky (the newest The Other!). But Aquaman is there to save the day the way he never does!
I wonder when I last had fish sticks? Are fish sticks a thing you just stop eating when you reach a certain age? I remember loving it when Fish Sticks were on the weekly menu for lunch in elementary school. The thought of them definitely isn't appealing anymore. What changed?! Where did my innocence go?! I wonder if there is a reverse correlation between how much a person desires fish sticks and the amount of time one spends masturbating? I should do a study! Where's my grant money?!
This is me showing lots of self-control as I refrain from doing something that I can't even mention or else I wouldn't be refraining from doing it!
Why is Aquaman being so mysterious? He's been hanging out with The Batman too much. Batman always has to have the advantage, so he never opens up about anything! I'll tell you one thing Aquaman's trident does: it blinds people! Although that might be inherent in its design and not part of its magic power.
The Others arrive but Madame Xan is waiting for them. She sets a trap which separates them so that she can offer all of them their heart's desire if only they'll join her. I bet they all refuse because they're heroes! I think. They did originally join up to kill Black Manta, right? That's not really heroic. Maybe they'll all take Madame Xan's offers! That would be a good twist!
Oh yeah. That's why she looked so familiar on the cover!
Aquaman and The Others decide not to deal with her so she begins destroying Hong Kong. Why the urgency? I think she's just had a really bad day. Although it turns out Ya'wara bought into the scheme, so she begins betraying The Others. Of course. I would have guessed Aquaman would have betrayed them because he's not good at having friends. Ya'wara doesn't accomplish much without her kitty cats. While she's failing to defeat The Others, Aquaman uses the magic of his trident to defeat Morgaine le Fay. I think his trident absorbs magic or something. Maybe he just stabbed her with it. I hope he explains how he defeated her on the last page and everybody laughs uproariously.
Ya'wara quits the group but keeps her orb and everybody kind of lives happily ever after. Although the one Apache spirit in Sky's ghostland proves himself to be as inflexible as Aquaman's ancestor Orin. He tells Sky that if she walks with a white man, she'll lose her powers. What a dick! I think he just doesn't care for The Operative's grandson.
Aquaman Annual #1 Rating: Can The Others get their own title already? Not because I'm excited to read a monthly book about them. I just wish they'd let Aquaman star in his own fucking comic book. Stop hogging the spotlight, The Others!
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