Twenty Pages per month just doesn't seem like a lot of space to give to every single person on Earth 2.
This issue begins with Dr. Fate and Wotan battling above the streets of Boston. I guess upon defeating the Great Beast, the dimension housing the Tower of Doctor Fate spit everybody out. And of course that magical, strange dimension was located amid the shadows and aging buildings of a New England town. I just can't picture any kind of Lovecraftian dimension existing anywhere in the Midwest or on the West Coast. Unless Robinson takes a moment for a flashback to see how the battle ended up on Earth 2, I'll just assume it's the way I just mentioned.
The World Army flies in to put a stop to the magic battle but Green Lantern and The Flash try to keep the World Army at bay. Why is Green Lantern here and helping? Why are they trying to keep the battle one on one? Where's Jay Garrick's mother? I'm smelling the need for a flashback pretty soon here!
Oh! There's the flashback! And ugh! Jay Garrick's subconscious is ugly.
No! Evoke the power of Bast! Cats beat everything!
Alan Scott and Kendra Hawkperson are trying to figure out why an entire train was derailed simply to kill Sam, Alan's fiance. Their investigation leads them to a shipping container full of dead parademons which is probably the answer to the mystery but they're not smart enough to figure it out. So Alan's ring decides to force him back to America to hang out with Doctor Fate and The Flash while Hawkgirl goes back to the guy that led them to the shipping container to ask him, "What the fuck?"
And that brings everybody together just like when the comic book started. It also leaves just a couple of pages left for Doctor Fate to destroy Wotan. Or at least destroy this current version of Wotan. If that happens, Wotan probably won't be any trouble for at least another ten or eleven years.
I guess two year olds can be a handful, so maybe Wotan will be back by Issue #36.
I hate Annuals! I want a week off instead of reading four half-hearted stories to lure in new readers!
Earth 2 #12 Rating: No change. Maybe this was good. Or maybe it wasn't good. I was kind of distracted with life problems today and I wasn't really concentrating very well. That's going to happen sometimes! Sometimes a busy business meeting will make your bowels go crazy and then the meeting will only take fifteen minutes and be a total breeze and get you more business and some good news and then your car will try to break the fuck down on you on the way home because it apparently doesn't like being driven in the daylight and the heat and without any oil because you've been meaning to put oil in the stupid thing for close to three weeks but you never remember because at the end of Tuesday night's shift, you just shut off your brain completely and never think about work stuff again until a few hours before Sunday's night shift and then you think, "Fuck me! I forgot the oil again!" and you just shrug and go to work anyway. Sometimes that kind of thing happens and then when it all works out and it's all over with, you just want to eat some Indian Food and nap in a chair in the breeze and the sun in the backyard. So then Earth 2 doesn't get read very well.
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