Sunday, September 15, 2013

Trigon! (as seen in Teen Titans)

Alter Ego: None
Occupation: Dimensional Ruler and Conqueror
Marital Status: Married [Do demons from other dimensions really get married?]
Known Relatives: Arella (Wife), Raven (Daughter)
Group Affiliation: None
Base of Operations: Another dimensional plane
First Appearance: THE NEW TEEN TITANS #4 (First Series)
Height: Variable Weight: Variable
Eyes: Red Hair: Red

Over 900[0] years ago, a large group of cultists, guided by a woman named Azar, renounced their violent ways and left the Earth. They established a new, pacifist community called Azareth in another dimension. Unfortunately, the forces used to purge their former evil natures didn't die [Does that sentence make sense? Put me down as a "no" vote.]. Instead, they merged, rew, and flowed through the multitude of dimensions outside Azareth's Great Door [Oh! Like sewage backing up a toilet and flooding the lower level of a house!].

Meanwhile, in yet another dimension, the last inhabitants of a dying world succeeded in mating one of their mystic sect's women with their god during a demon-worshipping function [Not a ritual but a function? With petit fours and cucumber sandwiches?]. This ritual [Oh, NOW it's a ritual!] inadvertently called on the evil, dimensional-flowing forces and nine months later they were reborn again as the woman's demon-child Trigon [Can you really call it "inadvertent" when a woman becomes pregnant with an evil demon baby at a demon-worshiping function where people are trying to fuck gods? It just seems like a bad idea all around.].

At birth Trigon slew all around him [What did I just say?], including his mother [I assumed he started with his mother.]. He destroyed his homeworld at the age of six [Lobo was such a fucking slacker.], and by the time he was thirty, ruled his entire dimension and its millions of inhabited worlds [Well fuck. Now I feel like a fucking slacker.]. But Trigon would never be satisfied until he ruled all dimensions [I'd never be satisfied until I found something other to wear than that stupid loincloth and cape.].

Trigon later appeared in disguise to a woman named Arella and sired a child with her named Raven (see Raven). Raven was raised in Azareth and, wearing he rings of Azar herself, rebelled against her heritage and refused to rule at her father's side. At the age of 18, Raven fled Azareth and helped recreate the Teen Titans (see Teen Titans) to eventually combat Trigon.

Trigon spent decades trying to pierce the dimensional barriers between his universe and Earth's but was held in check by a group of Azarethian sorcerors. Trigon eventually succeeded in crossing over, and in an effort to save the Earth, Raven agreed to rule at his side if he would return forevermore to his home dimension. But when Raven arrived, she realized Trigon would not keep his word. Aided by Arella, the Titans fought back and together they defeated Trigon by forcing him into a Nether-verse [What exactly makes something a "Nether-verse"? Is it a universe that can only be entered through a creature's anus? Oh! A black hole!]. Sacrificing herself, Arella agreed to eternally guard the dimensional doorway so Trigon could never escape his prison.

With time, however, Raven began to change and succumb to her father's corrupt half which composed her black soul-self. Still desiring to have his only child rule at his side, Trigon siphoned off the life-forces of the billion souls in his dimension to obtain the power necessary to once again invade Earth's dimension. Angered by the constant interference, Trigon also had his forces completely destroy Azareth. Then together, Raven and Trigon ravaged the Earth until the Teen Titans, guided by Lilith (see Lilith), were able to kill the soulless body of the consumed Raven. In vengeance, Trigon swore to destroy the Earth and began to summon all the siphoned souls of the world to power his return home. However, the spirit of Azar and all of Azareth's souls still lived within the rings Raven wore. Utilizing the bodily ties that existed between Trigon and Raven, Azar funneled all of Azareth's ultimate light into Trigon, the ultimate dark being, and destroyed him and his dark soul, seemingly forever.

As a manifestation of pure evil, Trigon possesses demoniacal mystic powers of immeasurable ability [Although not so immeasurable that he couldn't be stopped by a sassy teenager and a violent alien and a green boy and a half-machine man and an imaginary girl.]. He has drained the souls of millions of worlds [And since souls don't exist, this means nothing.] and reshaped them to whatever particular purpose suits his needs.

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