Friday, September 18, 2015

The New Teen Titans #33 (July 1987)

The Teen Titans stop a bunch of Zandia terrorists from demolishing New York. They also manage to help the terrorists return to Zandia to make Zandia a better place. Unless they just threw them right into jail when the issue ended after acting compassionately toward them. It doesn’t really matter because the point was that the Teen Titans are back together and doing good! Huzzah!

I have no idea what act these two are about to engage in. Does anybody know ASL (Adult Sign Language)?

During this issue, Paul Levitz (I'm sure it was Levitz and not Wolfman because I can't trust Marv Wolfman to write an intelligent thought after having previously read 32 issues of this comic book) offers a salient moment about the balance between security and freedom.

But not only what the perpetrator is willing to sacrifice! Also what citizens are willing to sacrifice for the illusion of "100% secure."

Number of Issues Where The Teen Titans Do Something Heroic: 2 out of 33.

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