Sunday, September 6, 2015

The New Teen Titans #22 (July 1986)

This issue starts off promising:

Yes please!

Raven “convinces” Dick to join The Church of Brother Blood. Cyborg, controlled by Mento, tries to kill Changeling. And Starfire begins the battle for Tamaran against her sister. Just another day fighting for their lives against relatives and team members. Plus Mento heads over to Swamp Thing #50 at the end of the Cyborg/Changeling story which probably explains why I own Swamp Thing #50. You would think I own it because Alan Moore wrote it but what did I know about Alan Moore at fourteen?! Fuck all, that's what. Fucking stupid idiot. I was as useless as a teen as these Titans.

Number of Issues Where the Titans Do Something Heroic: 1 out of 22.

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