Donna fails to help her husband write a paper so he can keep his tenure. Cyborg and Changeling fail to stop Mento. Starfire fails to go back to Earth. Nightwing fails at everything. And Jericho reminds me why he was pretty much the only reason I kept buying this fucking comic book. I guess the best way to like a Marv Wolfman character is to keep Marv Wolfman from letting the character speak.
Number of Issues Where Anything Heroic Happens: 1 for 18. These kids might as well be hanging out at the roller rink dealing with the drama of junior high school crushes for all the super heroics taking place in this thing.
Number of Issues Where Anything Heroic Happens: 1 for 18. These kids might as well be hanging out at the roller rink dealing with the drama of junior high school crushes for all the super heroics taking place in this thing.

Marv wrote a better review of this issue than I did.
After getting back from Tamaran, having lost Starfire to either death or marriage (definitely not to taxes though), Dick goes to get some parental advice.

Not from you, asshole!

Hmm. Maybe you shouldn't have been such a prick to the person who really raised and took care of you.
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