Sunday, September 13, 2015

The New Teen Titans #29 (March 1987)

Brother Blood defeats the Titans so Magenta calls in The Batman and his friends to save the day. I don’t know why she had to call them when the Titans getting their asses handed to them was being broadcast all over the world. I can’t wait to see Batman scold Jason Todd for being there without permission! Maybe Bats will confiscate his Garbage Pail Kid stickers.

Kory! Now is not the time!

Number of Issues In Which The Titans Do Anything Heroic At All: 1 out of 29.

At the end of this issue, DC published this opinion piece by Julia Sabbagh.

This plea is radically of its time but I think it's important to see what was being asked of comic creators way back in 1987.

No shit, DC. That's why she fucking wrote it!

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