Friday, September 18, 2015

The New Teen Titans #34 (August 1987)

This may have been the best issue so far. The Titans work together to save the Hybrid from Mento’s control and then save Steve Dayton himself. It’s all hugs and kisses by the end (especially between Nightwing and Starfire’s lady parts).

Number of Issues in Which The Teen Titans Have Acted Heroically: 3 of 34.

Nope. Wait. I take that back. Nightwing allows a psychotic, obsessed man to remain free to torment and threaten a woman because he declares his love for her.

Thanks to Nightwing, I'm going to have to take back one issue of acting heroically: 2 of 34. I mean, Jesus Christ, Dick. Don't bother thinking about the woman and her child for even a second. "The man declared his true love to the woman he was about to kill! I have to give him the benefit of the doubt. For love's sake!" Fucking hell. Is this enough evidence for my hatred of Dick Grayson in the '80s to satisfy all of the younger comic book readers? You see the character I had to live with? Thanks a lot, Marv Wolfman.

Dick learnd a lesson about true love and how he feels about Kory at the expense of that poor woman who almost got shot in the face (and possibly did after Dick left). Hurrah!

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