Sunday, September 20, 2015

The New Teen Titans #36 (October 1987)

"Finally." Because we all expected it. Even Dick Grayson. I'm surprised he's not saying, "I told you so!"

The Teen Titans think they’re stopping a Wildebeest crimewave but in reality they’re being set up to be blamed for the murder of the man who created the Wildebeest suits so the actual non-robotic Wildebeest doesn’t have to pay him. So no heroics this month as the Titans are duped into committing murder! Ha ha! Idiots!

Also, Raven thinks she’s in love with Nightwing. What chance does she think she has with Dick? It’s not like she has red hair.

Number of Issues In Which The Titans Don’t Do Something Selfish or Stupid Like Being Framed For Murder: 3 out of 36.

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