If you pull that tab slowly, Robin's cape flutters a teeny, tiny bit.
This was the Collector's Edition! On the back of the bag, there are instructions on how to pull the tab correctly so you see the image change. Like me, you might thinking, "What am I? The dumbest guy to ever buy a Super Special Edition Comic Book at inflated prices? Please. I know how to pull a fucking tab!" But then I had to apologize to the plastic bag when I got to the third instruction which read, "To change to second cover, pull out insert, turn over and place back into window." What?! A SECOND COVER! Oh man. I hope he's naked!

Holy shit! It's KGBeast after he merged with the Bat Signal in a teleporter malfunction! Cool!
Well, that technology certainly was worth the extra cost! They must have used this for so many covers in subsequent years. I can't wait to see how many of my 1994 comic books come with this tech!
Also, quit screaming "Pedophile!" you assholes so quick to judge somebody for daring to be facetious and whimsical on the Internet! I don't actually want to see Tim Drake's ding-a-ling! And even if I did, who cares?! He's a fictional, made-up, bisexual, super genius sidekick. He's not actually whatever stupid age he's supposed to be in this. I mean, if I thought he was anything other than a late teen, I never would have made that joke! I mean, pretending to want to see a fictional character's penis when they're only like eight or something? That's disgusting!
Ha ha. I don't actually mean that. I don't care if you're into fictional characters getting naked. I mean, my browser's cookie history is at least 50% Deviant Art files of Erin Esurance!
Double ha ha! Actually I do mean it. Stop looking at AI generated photos of minors, you pedophiles.
According to the special Collector's Edition bag that this comic book came enclosed in and which I cut open like a rabid barbarian, the set includes the comic book, the special moving cover which is part of the comic book, a second reversible cover which is part of the special moving cover which is part of the comic book, covers by Mike Zeck and Tom Lyle which are part of the reversible covers which are part of the special moving cover which is part of the comic book, and an exclusive poster. So basically, one extra thing. I got one extra poster for buying this. Awesome.
Dude, I understand that the regular priced comic didn't come with the moving cover! Get off my dick, you literal-minded jerk-off! I'm trying to be facetious on the Internet! Goddamn. You wouldn't think it was this hard to be silly on the Internet! But no, nowadays I have to do all this work making up Straw Men readers whom I can yell at!
Shockingly, the poster is still inside the comic book. I guess at 21 years of age, I'd gotten past putting comic book posters up on my wall. Especially when Robin was on them. But before that, in my old childhood bedroom, I had a Teen Titans poster (with Nightwing though, I think) and a poster of The Outsiders flying past the Hollywood sign. I think those were the only ones.
This chapter is titled "The Hammer" which is probably better than "The Crowbar" which is a different, and better, Robin story. Because it's a comedy where Jason Todd dies. Also it wasn't called that but you get what I was going for, right? Just another reminder of the awesome time Jason Todd was killed. I probably bought this series just in case it was another death of Robin story and I didn't want to miss out this time.
The story begins with Robin narrating about how crime has been out of control lately in Gotham. And then he describes the fight he and Batman are currently undertaking.
Also, quit screaming "Pedophile!" you assholes so quick to judge somebody for daring to be facetious and whimsical on the Internet! I don't actually want to see Tim Drake's ding-a-ling! And even if I did, who cares?! He's a fictional, made-up, bisexual, super genius sidekick. He's not actually whatever stupid age he's supposed to be in this. I mean, if I thought he was anything other than a late teen, I never would have made that joke! I mean, pretending to want to see a fictional character's penis when they're only like eight or something? That's disgusting!
Ha ha. I don't actually mean that. I don't care if you're into fictional characters getting naked. I mean, my browser's cookie history is at least 50% Deviant Art files of Erin Esurance!
Double ha ha! Actually I do mean it. Stop looking at AI generated photos of minors, you pedophiles.
According to the special Collector's Edition bag that this comic book came enclosed in and which I cut open like a rabid barbarian, the set includes the comic book, the special moving cover which is part of the comic book, a second reversible cover which is part of the special moving cover which is part of the comic book, covers by Mike Zeck and Tom Lyle which are part of the reversible covers which are part of the special moving cover which is part of the comic book, and an exclusive poster. So basically, one extra thing. I got one extra poster for buying this. Awesome.
Dude, I understand that the regular priced comic didn't come with the moving cover! Get off my dick, you literal-minded jerk-off! I'm trying to be facetious on the Internet! Goddamn. You wouldn't think it was this hard to be silly on the Internet! But no, nowadays I have to do all this work making up Straw Men readers whom I can yell at!
Shockingly, the poster is still inside the comic book. I guess at 21 years of age, I'd gotten past putting comic book posters up on my wall. Especially when Robin was on them. But before that, in my old childhood bedroom, I had a Teen Titans poster (with Nightwing though, I think) and a poster of The Outsiders flying past the Hollywood sign. I think those were the only ones.
This chapter is titled "The Hammer" which is probably better than "The Crowbar" which is a different, and better, Robin story. Because it's a comedy where Jason Todd dies. Also it wasn't called that but you get what I was going for, right? Just another reminder of the awesome time Jason Todd was killed. I probably bought this series just in case it was another death of Robin story and I didn't want to miss out this time.
The story begins with Robin narrating about how crime has been out of control lately in Gotham. And then he describes the fight he and Batman are currently undertaking.

Suck it, you anti-woke cucks! Robin and Batman were stomping Nazi dick in 1992, you pieces of shit!
Oh no! Did my politics interfere with my comic book review?! Shouldn't I just stick to writing reviews and not telling anti-woke shitbags how fucking unlikable and stinky they are? Yeah, yeah! I probably should! I won't do it anymore. You don't have to worry about me calling you bleeding dog anuses from here on out, Nazis.
Ha ha! No, no. I might do it again. Probably, even.
Not long after Robin and Batman interrupt this meeting of august young free speech enthusiasts, a helicopter buzzes by the window and begins pumping bullets into everybody. Somehow all of the bullets miss Batman and Robin. It's probably because they're . . . no, no! I'm not making the joke. You make the joke.
Ha ha! No, no. I might do it again. Probably, even.
Not long after Robin and Batman interrupt this meeting of august young free speech enthusiasts, a helicopter buzzes by the window and begins pumping bullets into everybody. Somehow all of the bullets miss Batman and Robin. It's probably because they're . . . no, no! I'm not making the joke. You make the joke.

Canonically, bat lube does exist.
I don't know why I mentioned Bat Lube. Probably because I was thinking, "Why does Bat Lube exist?", for no reason at all. It's not like Catwoman doesn't just flood the inside of her leather suit whenever she sees Batman. She gets so wet for him she squirts out of her cat SCUBA suit like a really horny thing shout out of a thing preventing the horny thing from getting fucked. I'm too tired to be clever so you get way too literal metaphors tonight.
You know what? I don't even know if Bat Lube exists canonically. Just seems like it probably does.
You know what? I don't even know if Bat Lube exists canonically. Just seems like it probably does.

I had no idea rats in a maze get so frustrated that they tear each other's throats out! Time to experiment!
Rats are a bit too expensive for me to run this experiment. Plus I'd have to build a rat maze and I haven't done that since 6th Grade in Gifted and Talented. I wonder if Fuzzies and Pinkies are good enough? It's also possible that Batman doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. Normally I wouldn't question it but Batman's being written by Chuck Dixon here so I've set aside a few grains of salt to keep me from swallowing any fact that comes out of his bat mouth.
Batman benches Tim Drake for the time being because it's suddenly become too dangerous taking a teenager out on the streets in a flashy red and yellow costume to fight violent criminals. Jeez! One little helicopter machine gun ambush massacre and Batman grounds Tim. So unfair!
Batman benches Tim Drake for the time being because it's suddenly become too dangerous taking a teenager out on the streets in a flashy red and yellow costume to fight violent criminals. Jeez! One little helicopter machine gun ambush massacre and Batman grounds Tim. So unfair!

Elsewhere in Gotham, the Huntress tries to look as '90s as possible.
How much of a character's face needs to be hidden by a mask before the reader's suspension of disbelief buckles and collapses? It must be more than this because I'm currently crawling out of the rubble of mine. If I ran into The Huntress on the street in her regular identity, am I supposed to be all, "You look like The Huntress! Although it's hard to tell because her cheek bones and jowls are always covered up!" Maybe this is why she eventually goes with the Belly Window outfit. So nobody ever looks right at her face. But for now, she's in her modest outfit (that means just a ton of cleavage). She's on the tail of some of Gotham's crime lords who are running drugs. She follows some of them back to their hotel in via rope and Lamborghini where she breaks in, gasses them all, and then goes through their drug briefcases to find a ton of blank paper. So LSD?
I mean counterfeiting! They're probably counterfeiting something! But I grew up in the Bay Area and Northern California so obviously everything reads "LSD" to me.
Since Tim has nothing to do now that Robin's been grounded, he winds up having no excuse to turn down some nerd's birthday party invite. The guy's throwing off some real Danny Chase But Taller vibes. I hate him already just because he made me remember Danny Chase! I hope the party gets rained out. By bullets! Ha ha!
We also get to meet one of Tim's teachers, Ms. Hollingsworth.
I mean counterfeiting! They're probably counterfeiting something! But I grew up in the Bay Area and Northern California so obviously everything reads "LSD" to me.
Since Tim has nothing to do now that Robin's been grounded, he winds up having no excuse to turn down some nerd's birthday party invite. The guy's throwing off some real Danny Chase But Taller vibes. I hate him already just because he made me remember Danny Chase! I hope the party gets rained out. By bullets! Ha ha!
We also get to meet one of Tim's teachers, Ms. Hollingsworth.

She wants to fuck him, right?
Oh gross! Get your minds out of the gutter! By "him", I meant Tim's dad. And maybe Tim. I don't know. Did Gerard Jones write this?
Wanna-be Danny Chase, whose name is Ives, celebrates his birthday party in Gotham's Little Odessa. Uh oh! Crime lords. Russians. Drug money. Nazis! It all adds up! Ives is a white supremacist and in the mafia!
At the party, Tim takes a shit. On his way back from the bathroom, he hears a commotion in the alley behind the kitchen. He rushes out to see some Russians beating up the owner of a print shop across the alley. He also sees the owner's daughter, Ariana, who is so cute that he decides to help her out and then hit on her while her father's bleeding all over the place. He may be Batman's sidekick but he's still a teenager with rampaging hormones. They part ways without kissing because the nosy old dying man makes it awkward. But Tim is Robin so he'll probably know all about her by morning. And Batman will be all, "Who used up so many of my Bat-AOL hours?!"
Wanna-be Danny Chase, whose name is Ives, celebrates his birthday party in Gotham's Little Odessa. Uh oh! Crime lords. Russians. Drug money. Nazis! It all adds up! Ives is a white supremacist and in the mafia!
At the party, Tim takes a shit. On his way back from the bathroom, he hears a commotion in the alley behind the kitchen. He rushes out to see some Russians beating up the owner of a print shop across the alley. He also sees the owner's daughter, Ariana, who is so cute that he decides to help her out and then hit on her while her father's bleeding all over the place. He may be Batman's sidekick but he's still a teenager with rampaging hormones. They part ways without kissing because the nosy old dying man makes it awkward. But Tim is Robin so he'll probably know all about her by morning. And Batman will be all, "Who used up so many of my Bat-AOL hours?!"

It takes a lot of planning to masturbate in the same house as The Batman.
The Russian thugs couldn't put enough of a beating on Ariana's father to get him to do what they want. Although they didn't give him much time to tell his side, what with all the gasping for air and spitting teeth and bleeding internally. Reporting back to their boss, they get screamed at for not doing the job correctly. So now this Russian, this Commissar (Commie Tsar? Ha ha!), must pay out of pocket to send some real muscle: KGBeast!
Apparently, Tim doesn't currently live in Wayne Mansion. I forgot he's not a tragic orphan. Too bad because it really helps move the plot along when a teenager doesn't have a stupid controlling dad to have to listen to. Not that I think he's too controlling. He's actually just jealous that Mr. Wayne gets to see his son constantly and his son won't even play a midnight game of chess with him.
Apparently, Tim doesn't currently live in Wayne Mansion. I forgot he's not a tragic orphan. Too bad because it really helps move the plot along when a teenager doesn't have a stupid controlling dad to have to listen to. Not that I think he's too controlling. He's actually just jealous that Mr. Wayne gets to see his son constantly and his son won't even play a midnight game of chess with him.

"Fuck you, dad! I'm getting drunk!"
Squeaky clean Tim Drake doesn't drink four bottles of hundred year old wine down in the cellar. He's actually built a secret passage down there so he can sneak out. I guess since his dad's currently in a wheelchair, he can't follow him.
The important Robin business that can't wait is stalking Ariana. He rushes through his secret tunnel to the Bat Cave (does Bruce know about this tunnel?! It could be a security risk!) to grab his Robin uniform and stake himself on a roof across from Ariana's dad's shop. I hope he's not trying to get a glimpse of Ariana changing through a window or showering! Boy oh boy! I really, really hope he isn't that disgusting! But if he is, I hope Tom Lyle saved a full page for it!
The important Robin business that can't wait is stalking Ariana. He rushes through his secret tunnel to the Bat Cave (does Bruce know about this tunnel?! It could be a security risk!) to grab his Robin uniform and stake himself on a roof across from Ariana's dad's shop. I hope he's not trying to get a glimpse of Ariana changing through a window or showering! Boy oh boy! I really, really hope he isn't that disgusting! But if he is, I hope Tom Lyle saved a full page for it!

Sure he won't do anything. Probably because Batman checks Robin's suit with a UV flashlight every morning.
While he's hoping for a light to go on in the bathroom on the second floor, a car full of Russian thugs pulls up. Did you read that, you stupid Comicsgaters? The bad guys so far in this 1992 comic book have been Nazis and Russians! Learn a lesson some time, you bleeding dog anuses. One of the Russians is KGBeast and another one has a flamethrower. Tim knows he promised Bruce to lay low for a few nights but he can't help it. He really wants to get laid. I mean he really wants to save this father and daughter. And he'll be happy with just saving the daughter if it comes to that.
The thugs bust up the place like Ariana's father is A. W. Merrick in Deadwood and he just printed a scathing essay insulting Putin's manliness. Robin tries to help and it's going about as well as it can go for a Robin beating up regular thugs. But then the boss thug steps in and Robin remembers why he's supposed to only get involved in shit like this with Batman.
The thugs bust up the place like Ariana's father is A. W. Merrick in Deadwood and he just printed a scathing essay insulting Putin's manliness. Robin tries to help and it's going about as well as it can go for a Robin beating up regular thugs. But then the boss thug steps in and Robin remembers why he's supposed to only get involved in shit like this with Batman.

How are there five more issues of this if Robin dies on page one of Issue #2?
Robin III: Cry of the Huntress #1 Rating: B. It's a comic book about Tim Drake's Robin! A B is pretty fucking good if you ask me because I'm biased. I don't like Robin and I really don't like Tim Drake. But this was entertaining and The Huntress was cute and Ariana was cute and oh shit I just remembered taller Danny Chase. Oh, that's okay. I won't adjust the rating just because I also fucking hate Danny Chase. Ives can't help that he looks like him somewhat! Plus, and I never, ever do this: the colorist smashed it on this one. I don't know why I even noticed it being that most comics on newsprint all look about the same (based on the era, of course). Maybe the palette was just so strikingly different from all the Justice League books I've been reading that caused it to really catch my eye. But I liked it! Hopefully we'll get at least one issue that's mostly just an awkward first date between Ariana and Tim. That's the only way I can see an issue getting an A!
Oh! I realized I didn't scan a picture of Ariana! Sorry about that. Just imagine she looks a lot like The Huntress without her mask. I'm not saying she's The Huntress because she isn't. But I think maybe Tom Lyle can only draw one really attractive female character.
Oh! I realized I didn't scan a picture of Ariana! Sorry about that. Just imagine she looks a lot like The Huntress without her mask. I'm not saying she's The Huntress because she isn't. But I think maybe Tom Lyle can only draw one really attractive female character.