Sunday, January 29, 2012

Supergirl #5

So her super power is to hold power?

Supergirl begins this issue blasting away from Earth and heading back to dead Krypton.

How long can she hold her breath? How many light years does she expect to fly to get home? Somewhere in one of these comics, it was mentioned that Krypton was further away than any Earth telescope could reach. And even if her super powers allow her to somehow survive the frozen vacuum of space, what happens when she's flown out of the influence of the yellow sun? Does she maintain a solar battery charge? If so, how long does it last?

Since I'm only on page one, I hope some of these questions will be answered and not just ignored.

Oh yeah! Also, some things are following her. Some things that came with her on her first journey to Earth.

Immediately after turning the page, I was greeted with Supergirl asking all of these same questions. She was holding her breath. She knew she wasn't going to be able to get very far at her current speed. She was worried her powers might suddenly stop and she'll just die.

But instead of getting any answers, her, um, Sunstone begins to, ahem, vibrate.

Okay, it begins pulsing light. Close enough.

The Sunstone activates some giant metal warp gate floating out in space. Supergirl dives in and ends up somewhere else, next to a blue star and a city on a floating chunk of rock. Krypton?!

No, it's just a piece of Krypton. Kara's home city, Argo City. She's able to access the message on the sunstone. It's her father. And he basically does the same thing Superman's father did to him. So if Superman's dad believed Krypton was about to die and rescued his son, and Supergirl's father believed Krypton was about to die and rescued his daughter, do you suppose there are dozens of children saved before the planet exploded?

I'm guessing as many people survived Krypton as will be needed by writers writing Superman stories for the next 50 years.

During the message, Kara sees her father killed by some unknown assailant. And then Reign shows up to talk to Kara.

Never engage Supergirl in conversation.

And takes a few punches for her audacity.

This time, though, I guess her attack was the right thing to do.

Reign continues, "BECAUSE I AM ONE!"

Yes, big surprise, she's a Worldkiller! And it sounds like Supergirl's father had a hand in the Worldkiller's creation. Possibly.

Reign also notes that her big issue, the big problem she's having and the reason she found her way back to Krypton, is that she doesn't know WHY she's a Worldkiller.

Oh, boo hoo! Another pathetic being who can't just get on with it! It being living. "Why am I here? What's the point? What's my purpose?" Oh, wait, Worldkiller Reign knows her purpose! Just like Superboy! But that's not enough. Reign was born to slaughter and conquer and the desire to do so "burns like a million suns" inside her. So go fucking conquer some planets already and stop futzing around with looking for answers to the meaning of life.

On the other hand, I could tell her why! If she's a weapon created to destroy worlds, then that's why she was created: to destroy worlds.

I think what she's really searching for is to find out who she is. She's more like an amnesiac who is following a broken trail along a fuzzy path toward her past to see where she came from. All she remembers is waking from an ancient slumber. She doesn't mention where she woke. But she does mention she thinks Earth holds the secrets to who she is and why she was created.

So she's going back to conquer it. Meanwhile, she left Supergirl unconscious and pinned to a rock while Argo City's orbit around the Blue Star slowly decays.

And that's that! Michael Green and Mike Johnson, the writers of this comic, seem to think that every issue needs a big fight scene. I just wish they'd get through all of this prologue and do without the fight scenes as they do it. Let's work out Supergirl's past a bit before having her battle the Villain of the Month every issue.

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