Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Aquaman #3

This is the style Reis and Prado are using to convey Aquaman's flashbacks. It really conveys a sense of wonder and warmth that filled Aquaman's childhood.

And then on the next page, Aquaman gets bit. So apparently I was wrong about him getting bit in that last write up. Maybe I should be paying closer attention to what I'm doing!

So more fighting! I suppose you can't have much of a super hero comic book without the occasional batch of pages used for fighting choreography and witty (or, usually, less than witty) banter.

One thing I didn't mention in the last issue because I didn't really think much about it were these scratches or tears on the creature:

I first thought maybe they were inflicted by the other creatures as they fought for man flesh. But of course they're tears in its skin due to the change in pressure between land and its deep sea home! How could I not have noticed that straight away when I hoped, in the preview, to see an issue of Aquaman where he explodes as he surfaces due to the pressure change?!

Nice touch, Creative Team!

This comic introduces us to a Stephen Shin, a marine biologist of some kind who knew Aquaman's dad when Aquaman was young. He apparently helped Aquaman to learn how to use his powers. Afterward, when Aquaman wouldn't show him where Atlantis was, he apparently tried to kill Aquaman.

But Aquaman uses him to find out about the weird fish things anyway. I suppose it's mainly to lay some groundwork for a future story starring Mr. Shin as Asian Manta.

While swimming down into the trench, we get a little philosophical debate between Mera and Aquaman. Aquaman seems to be empathizing with these creatures. What must they be going through in the depths to risk their lives coming up to the surface. Are they another race on the verge of extinction? And what if they are? Should they be stopped at any cost?

Find out in Issue #4 when Aquaman says: Two Goldfish are in a tank. One turns to the other and says, "You drive! I'll man the guns!"


  1. I don't think Shin will fare well as any Manta if he's already so flattened out. Look at that forearm with flattened hand.

  2. Maybe that's why he needs to invent the Manta Armor. It'll provide a light pressure atmosphere so his arm can re-inflate.
