Friday, September 13, 2013

Deadshot! (as seen in Suicide Squad)

Alter Ego: Floyd Lawton
Occupation: Former Millionaire, now Professional Criminal
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: None
Group Affiliation: None [As you can see from this and the above answers, this Who's Who entry was before he got some serious character development time in Ostrander's Suicide Squad. This entry probably also shows why he was one of the B Villains picked to be in the Squad! Which also shows what a great service a comic book like Suicide Squad and Secret Six can do for marginal characters. Get some great writing on these characters, and they can be great. So stop following characters that you love even when they're written by shitty writers, people. Because every character can be interesting when a really fine writer is pulling the strings.]
Base of Operations: Gotham City
First Appearance: BATMAN #59
Height: 6'1" Weight: 202 lbs.
Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown

Scion of a wealthy Gotham family, Floyd Lawton adopted the guise of Deadshot, a master marksman who posed as a crime-fighter in an attempt to discredit The Batman (see Batman) so that Lawton could ultimately become Gotham's crime boss [Jesus, Lawton. Can you come up with a more convoluted scheme? You're a fucking deadshot sniper. Just shoot the Batbastard in the face and take the fuck over already.].

Exposed and captured by The Batman [Of course!], Lawton spent several years behind bars, devising a new uniform [Because THAT was the problem!] and a battery of high-tech weapons to make Deadshot even deadlier than before [So basically he came out of prison with a roll of toilet paper marked up with theoretical weapon designs and patterns for his new costume?]. Upon his release from prison, Lawton hired out his services as a professional hitman, willing to murder anyone for a fee [Which is, um, the definition of a professional hitman. It feels like somebody is padding their article!]. Deadshot's attempted murders have consistently been thwarted by The Batman [What do you call a thwarted attempted murder? Attempted attempted murder? Maybe just murder because it's like a double negative!], and Deadshot is currently serving time at Gotham State Penitentiary.

An almost inhumanly accurate marksman, Deadshot's colorful costume includes a telescopic infrared sight and a compact wrist-rifle with interchangeable barrels, enabling Deadshot to fire from a high-velocity bullet to a miniature grappling hook [For his dolls. I guess.].

Deadshot is such an extraordinary marksman that he prefers to utilize ricochets and other more challenging shots to accomplish his ends [Well if Batman keeps thwarting his "ends," perhaps it's time to just use the direct approach, asshole.].

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