The long awaited story that everybody was waiting for during a long period of waiting: the newest origin of Donna Troy! See, Wonder Girl used to just be stories about young Wonder Woman. But then somebody whose name some nerd knows but I don’t give a shit about decided to make Wonder Girl exist side-by-side with Wonder Woman so the Teen Titans could have a female “sidekick” join their team. At that point she got a new origin which wasn’t “Wonder Woman as a young woman but taken out of time to exist beside her adult self” but something else that was probably campy and stupid. But then the Crisis on Infinite Earths happened and a lot of Golden Age characters ceased to exist and Wonder Woman got a brand new history and Wonder Girl apparenty had never met this new Wonder Woman or had parents or an origin or any fucking history at all that wasn’t completely fucked up. So fans had been asking since Crisis for Marv Wolfman to make some sense out of Donna Troy. This is the beginning of the sense he made out of her.
Also it’s part one of five! I guess the story needed extra clarification after this cover was already printed. Also the “teen” was dropped from their name because comic book fans’ heads were exploding over the fact that most of them were young adults now.
This is the "50th Anniversary" issue. The Teen Titans were first created in 1964. This issue came out in 1988. That's only 24 years. Which means the editors at DC Comics don't know the definition of the word "anniversary." What they meant was "mensiversary" which probably sounds too much like "menstruation" (for very good etymological reasons, of course!) to use it.
Also it’s part one of five! I guess the story needed extra clarification after this cover was already printed. Also the “teen” was dropped from their name because comic book fans’ heads were exploding over the fact that most of them were young adults now.
This is the "50th Anniversary" issue. The Teen Titans were first created in 1964. This issue came out in 1988. That's only 24 years. Which means the editors at DC Comics don't know the definition of the word "anniversary." What they meant was "mensiversary" which probably sounds too much like "menstruation" (for very good etymological reasons, of course!) to use it.
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