Thursday, February 11, 2016

Catwoman #49

Killer Croc should be masturbating.

Rating: -3 Ranking.

Let me get this straight. The Penguin keeps his files he uses for blackmailing people on a flash drive inside an inaccessible location. And that inaccessible location is inside a fake diamond that's known as "The Job" to burglars and jewel thieves. Catwoman calls this "hiding in plain sight" instead of what it really should be called: fucking lunacy. But wait! There's more!

Catwoman does not discover that this diamond is fake because she has all sorts of super techno-goggle powers now. She doesn't realize it's fake because she's an expert at identifying precious gems and jewels. She doesn't realize it's a fake because she's had some experience with Black Diamonds not too long ago. No. She realizes it's a fake because Penguin and her client keep referring to it as an object. I'd quote Catwoman exactly and say they kept calling it "the object in question" but fuck me if I remember anybody calling it that exactly. Maybe Penguin did it last issue. Anyway, that's sort of the point. Even if that was her clue, not enough people have been awkwardly talking about the Frost Diamond as if it's not a fucking diamond.

Also the dialogue is terrible, especially when Tieri tries to write current Batgirl's attitude and lingo. I'm better at it and all I do is have Batgirl talk about how desperately she needs a cock inside of her. Which she probably totally does no matter how much DC Comics tries to pretend women don't like sex. Here's a secret: they do! Just probably not with you if you're a guy and you're into comic books because you are probably terrible at it.

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