In which the most horrible character of all time, Danny Chase, learns the secret origins of most of the New Teen Titans. I was surprised to find that Joseph Wilson was a young adult black female in the seventies when his throat was cut by Slade (as seen on the cover above).
Speaking of Danny Chase, how many people are seriously hoping he winds up in the Supergirl television show!? Emma Caulfield recently played a government agent with the last name of Chase, right? So maybe she has a little orange headed son somewhere who can join the cast of Supergirl in its fifth season when it needs a ratings boost! I can’t wait!
The Teen Titans once again do nothing heroic this issue. They’re not even really in it. It’s just a set up to the big Who is Donna Troy?! story coming up in a few issues. 6 out of 47 issues where the Teen Titans act like superheroes.
Speaking of Danny Chase, how many people are seriously hoping he winds up in the Supergirl television show!? Emma Caulfield recently played a government agent with the last name of Chase, right? So maybe she has a little orange headed son somewhere who can join the cast of Supergirl in its fifth season when it needs a ratings boost! I can’t wait!
The Teen Titans once again do nothing heroic this issue. They’re not even really in it. It’s just a set up to the big Who is Donna Troy?! story coming up in a few issues. 6 out of 47 issues where the Teen Titans act like superheroes.
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