Thursday, February 18, 2016

The New Titans #55 (June 1989)

Nightwing finally leads the Titans in the right direction and they take the most heroic action the team has ever taken: they kick Danny Chase off of the team! Woo hoo! High five everybody in the Letter Columns! I mean, I don’t high five. High fiving is for babies and drunks and drunk babies.

Also in this issue: Donna Troy cuts her hair and decides to wear a costume that highlights her panties! Hooray! My dong couldn't be happier! Donna's panties and no Danny Chase? I now know what a male multiple orgasm feels like.

The first inkling that maybe, just maybe, I could actually like Dick Grayson.

I can’t stand Danny Chase but he’s not wrong. For fifty-five issues, all the Titans have done is cry about each other! Look at their faces. They know he's right too!

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