Jesus. What's going on here?
I know Gail Simone's run on Batgirl is kind of pissing me off because it's just overloaded with the omnipotent Batgirl thought boxes (Narration Boxing!), but I have to hand it to Simone for one thing: she thinks up catchy phrases that I love to go back to. Well, she's thought up two anyway: Women in Refrigerators and "Am I being a jerk right now?" Plus, now that I've written one commentary on Batgirl in diary format, I'm looking forward to reading more Batgirl! Just like Firestorm is now one of my favorite reads since I decided it was a romance between Ronnie and Jason.
And I just picked up Batman and Robin #11 and took a closer look at the cover. I know what's going on her! It's Batman as he's seen by vast number of thugs and lowlifes he's been a complete jerk to! Good going, Batman!
Last issue, Robin declared a challenge to his sibling ex-Robins: he would defeat each and every one of them at something they believed they were experts at (Busy Prepositions! Such a stupid song! Trailing at the end of a sentence! Just where they belong! Busy Prepositions! Like Gnats and Bees and Bugs! "Don't end your sentences with them," yell all the grammar thugs!). And (ignoring my parenthetical reference to keep the proper flow), thankfully, Robin has decided to continue with the challenge. I thought he might have just issued the challenge to get even with Tim Drake but he seems to be going through with it at the beginning of this issue.
Sneaking up on The Red Hood is an excellent way to collect that bullet for your scavenger hunt.
So, Jason Todd and Damian have a nice long talk.
This is like a page out of Grendel.
Have I said this enough yet: Best Robin ever.
Meanwhile, speaking of the Terminus half of the story, a rash of Bat-brandings is happening across Gotham City. The Beat'em Up Club (which is more of an army than a club) have taken to the streets with red hot Bat Symbol branding irons and they're burning the bat symbol onto the chests of anyone they encounter. So that's what's happening on the cover! All the victims of the Gotham City Bat Branding!
It must be tough for a ten year old to know where to draw the line when his father is right next to him maiming a whole army of brand-wielding maniacs who are now next in line to join Terminus' Beat'em Up Club.
Searching for "bat symbol chest tattoos" reveals many, many, horrible tattoos. "Dude, each horrible tattoo tells a fuckin' story, man!" Yeah, so do words.
Commissioner Gordon tells Batman at one point that it's almost dawn. Really? There are a lot of fucking people out on the streets of Gotham during the early morning hours. Is it Bat Mardi Gras?
It's Gotham City after dark. Isn't that where they should be anyway?
Batman and Robin #11 Rating: Just for the confrontation between Jason Todd and Damian Wayne, I'll give this one a +1 Ranking. The rest of the story is a little blunt for my tastes, but what more can you expect from a bunch of people who have been treated so bluntly by The Batman himself. Plus, Terminus doesn't have much time left to be subtle.
P.S. I just looked up Damian Wayne to find out who his creator was. I knew Grant Morrison brought about the Damian Wayne story that sets up this version of Batman and Robin, but I didn't know for sure if Morrison created him. He didn't. Batman's infant son was first created in a comic called "Son of the Demon." And here's a quote by Grant that I think sums up The New 52 fairly well: ""For a long time, [DC] said [Son of the Demon] was out of continuity. Now it's just kind of out of continuity. I didn't actually read it before I started writing this. I messed up a lot of details, like Batman wasn't drugged when he was having sex with Talia and it didn't take place in the desert. I was relying on shaky memories. But now we have this new "Superboy punch" continuity [after Superboy Prime attacked the fabric of the universe during Infinite Crisis]. People still don't realize how important that single punch was to cover everyone's ass." Of course, now The New 52 is a continuity once removed from the Superboy Punch continuity, so even more asses have been saved! Although J.T. Krul is one ass I wish hadn't been.
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