Thursday, July 5, 2012

Demon Knights #10

Ick. Avalon is so fucking yellow!

Before I remember what happened last issue, I want to say that if my comic book rankings were based on art, Demon Knights would be a strong contender for #1. Diogenes Neves and Oclair Albert have been doing a stellar and consistent job and I look forward to the pretty and colorful middle ages they present. [Edit after finishing the comic] Great! I mention the art up front and this is the first issue where it's noticeably worse than usual. Not bad, but not as smooth, colorful, or elegant as the past issues. I wonder how much this has to do with the second inker on the book that is constantly changing.

Last issue, Vandal Savage had just steered the companion's boat into a sea serpent. Maybe they'll fight with it for a few pages and then it'll stop and say, "Oh, say chap, I was merely wondering if you might tell me how to get to France but in my excitement I, you know, tried to bite your face off? Sorry about all that, what?" And then the fight will end and they go back to looking for Avalon.

The Sea Serpent should have an eyepatch. And a Roc on its shoulder.

Is there a below decks on this thing?

Surprisingly, the Companions defeat the Sea Serpent Nosy Molly without needing to bring Etrigan back from Hell. Usually, Jason Blood panics and that's his first and only solution to every hiccough in his life (Tumblr's spell-check wants me to use the lowly "hiccup." No thanks, Tumblr). Exoristos throws a rope, Xanadu magics it around the Serpent's mouth, and then Savage knocks it out in one punch, destroying the ship built onto its back and sending the pirates flying. Exoristos chooses to save the pirates so that Nosy Molly will guard the ship on the way to Britain.

It's like sailing in the oceans of Sosaria! Oh, which I guess it is since it later become Britannia!

Once on land, the Companions are greeted kindly seeing as how they've captured one of the more menacing threats off the coast of the town. But many more sea monsters remain in the waters and a drunk man explains that there are horrors on land as well. And they're coming from Camelot!

Just wait a few more centuries (or maybe decades! The date for this comic's story is vague!) and you're family will have a lot of Norman in it too! Although I tend to think this comic happens after 1066, so it's probably still in that period where the snooty, conquering, bastard French Normans aren't mixing with the locals.

The companions set out in search of Camelot after the drunk finishes warning them of the dangers and Etrigan returns to the fold. On their journey, they're set upon by a gigantic wolf that has been enhanced by powerful magic. Vandal and Exoristos cannot pierce its hide. The Horsewoman sees no spot of weakness for an arrow to fly. Xanadu is nearly eaten but Etrigan jumps into the wolf's mouth to save her. And Al Jabr's electric gizmos have no effect. But the Shining Knight dives on the wolf from his Pegasus high above and slays it with one mighty sword thrust to the back of its neck.

Ah! The compliment every man dreams of hearing.

A day later, the Demon Knights find the ruins to Camelot. Something or someone has set up shop on the old site.

I mentioned the game Dark Tower in my Batman, Incorporated commentary and now the Demon Knights are going to play it!

Immediately after they make this discovery, they're set upon by that undead King Arthur from the cover of the comic book. Etrigan tries to make small talk but being a zombie, all Arthur can manage is "BAWGGGGGG!" and "RUNNNNNG!" He also can manage a little wild magic which turns all of the companions except Madame Xanadu into versions of their "essential selves."

Xanadu probably isn't affected because she's related to the Lady of the Lake.

Demon Knights #10 Rating: No change. The art was disappointing and lacking polish this month. That still makes it much better than at least 1/4 of the New 52 comics (that would be 13 of them!). The story was a simple traveling tale where they fight a few things and gain a few insights into what's become of Britain and not much else. I guess Etrigan's betrayal of his group to gain standing in Lucifer's eyes will have to wait another issue or two. I was hoping for a lot more with this comic since it's one of the stories I really look forward to each month. But I guess that's like being disappointed with the A student for getting a B. You can't really complain! I mean, you can but you'd sound like an asshole doing so.

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