Would this cover art encourage you to pick up this comic?
If you'd read the first two issues, the copy might get you to pick it up!
"What? They're killing Green Arrow for me? Awesome!"
Although if it said, "Firing J.T. Krul for the fans!", that would have been better. Except J.T. Krul quits the title after this episode anyway. For the fans! Yay! Bring on Giffen!
Here are the first four Narration Boxes of Green Arrow in the first four panels he's in:
Panel #1: I've always been headstrong.
Panel #2: It has a way of getting me into trouble.
Panel #3: I came in here all headstrong.
Panel #4: Now I'm paying the price.
Do you think J.T. Krul wrote the first two and then decided he didn't like it and wrote the second two as Green Arrow's introduction to this comic. But then he forgot to cut out the first two panels before handing it over to the artist?
I hope Green Arrow reminds us how headstrong he is later in the comic as well! In case I forget.
Green Arrow apparently was beaten pretty badly and had his head knocked into the wall hard enough to have oil come out of it during the interim between issues. So now he's sitting against the wall, beaten! Maybe! No! He jumps up and punches two dudes and a chick in the face in one flying punch from a sitting against the wall position while Bridgewrecker looks on shocked!
Click on picture for extreme size viewage
He can probably accomplish this feat due to his extremely short left puppet leg as seen in the above picture.
Seriously, though. You have two very experienced artists working on this comic: Dan Jurgens and George Perez. I might even go as far as to say George Perez is a legend in the field. And we get this kind of art? Shoddy, DC.
Green Arrow fares much better than anyone would expect for a guy with no super powers who is the best archer in the world but isn't currently using his bow. Especially when he's up against eight people with super powers. Apparently their super powers are:
1. Threatening Palm Punch.
2. Juggling Webcams and 3. Blue Hair
4. Lighting up a room and 5. Standing around in a circle.
I think I could beat this gang up! So they go through the whole fight scene.
Bad Guy: I'm better than you.
Green Arrow: You talk too much. Besides, I'm better than you.
Bad Guy: Nuh uh!
Green Arrow: Ewww! You're a jerk!
Bad Guy: Am not!
What is this electric light wired into one the end of the dock?
Eventually, Green Arrow wins against the overwhelming odds. With his last tranquilizer arrow! And then Old Man Oliver Queen, The Green Buzzkill, lectures everyone and makes them feel bad:
I hate preachy Green Arrow!
The prisoners, by the way, get sent off to Belle Reeve. That means they can become fodder for Suicide Squad! Yay!
All in all, I'm with ZodorX:
One last note: last issue ended with this:
So what happened to Black Canary? This issue ended with a one page tease about someone named Blood Rose. She's on the cover of the first Giffen Issue. So since J.T. Krul quit the title, did they replace that last page? Was it going to be a Black Canary tease for the next Krul storyline?
Who cares! J.T. Krul is gone! Next issue, Keith Giffen.
Bridgewrecker? What kind of villain is that? I wonder if that's who took down Missouri's span a few years ago! Minnesota? Some M state.
We couldn't come up with a bad villain name like that for GHC. Cancer King! That name is the bomb!
Bridgewrecker. Bah. BORING. Homewrecker was such a better bad guy. Er, bad girl.
Actually, Bridgewrecker is what I named him because I couldn't remember his even more, probably, boring name. I only remembered he 'almost wrecked the London Bridge.' That's why Green Arrow knew he was bad. He almost wrecked a bridge. Well, throw the fucking book at 'im!
ReplyDeleteAlso, I said 'actually' this time because my public demands it!
ReplyDeleteNice. His name was probably "Gigantic" or "Mountain" or "Black Mountain"