Friday, May 6, 2016

Dark Knight Universe Presents: Batgirl #1

What the fuck is happening here?

The Review or Whatever!
During DK III: The Master Race #4, Batman gave Carrie Kelley a mission and a graduation present. It looks like the graduation present was the awful pink and green Batgirl costume. Is that really a present? "Here! Have a costume that's even more ridiculous than the Pederast's Dream Robin outfit!" You know how Batman action figures have names like "Arctic Batman" and "Jungle Batman"? I think the card on the original Robin action figure should read "Pederast's Dream Robin". Anyway, the mission was to deliver some drugs to Aquaman. It's mostly a mystery as to why Aquaman needs the drugs, or why he was waiting so patiently for them, or why he decided to take Batgirl under the sea with him after the delivery, or why Batgirl's costume is the color of Easter Bunny vomit.

This story is a metaphor for hard work! To succeed in life, one must be willing to break at least one bone in the body of each and every one of your competition. No wait! The breaking of bones is probably a metaphor as well! Although I think making "selling drugs" a metaphor for "hard work" makes me think maybe I'm pulling at the wrong thread. That's a metaphor too!

Oh wait! I think I got it!

Batman gives drugs to Carrie which leads her on a troubled journey beneath the sea which is an obvious metaphor for dropping acid and taking a trip through ones own subconscious! Aquaman probably represents Carrie's worst thoughts about herself. The only thing Aquaman can truly be a metaphor for is a person's low self-esteem. To really get at the roots of this psychedelic experience (OH! That's why the costume's colors!), we'll have to wait until the story is continued since it ends with Batgirl about to slip beneath the waves of her rational mind.

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