Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Alan Moore's Jerusalem: Book 3: Vernall's Inquest: Round the Bend: Line 24

Line 24: "She maddily recalls her fishermum warmin' up the jung mastur's bait incide her muth on chillywilly ofterrnoons, or thinkshe-thinkshe does."

Non-Lucy-Lips Version: "She dimly recalls her mother warming up the young master's penis inside her mouth on cold afternoons, or thinks she does."

Lucia dimly or recalls in a muddled way, a disgusting image. But she's unsure of this (as she admits at the end of the sentence) and it could just be a false memory created by her madness ("maddily").

Her mom, Nora Barnacle, becomes a fisherman here in the metaphor of a fisherman keeping the worms in his mouth to keep them warm and wiggling to more readily attract the fish.

Lucia Joyce was a patient of Jung's for a short while during which (or soon after) she was diagnosed with schizophrenia. This calls back to her remembering this "maddily," suggesting that this memory could easily be a hallucination of her mental illness.

"mastur's bait"
Hee hee. I mean, gross. Not that anybody would consider your mother noshing on your penis as masturbation but Moore gets his point across anyway.

The spelling indicates the incestuous act.

"her muth"
I don't know. I guess taking the "o" out of mouth hints at the word "mother"?

Continuing the "fisherman puts the worms in this mouth to keep them warm" metaphor for Nora putting Giorgio's penis in her mouth. "Chilly willy" equals "cold penis."

Perhaps hinting at the word "often," as in Lucia believes she saw this multiple times (thus "afternoons," plural).

"chillywilly ofterrnoons, or thinkshe-thinkshe does."
This feels like Lucia is getting a bit glitchy in her thinking, perhaps indicating her inability to recall truth from paranoia and hallucinations. This kind of schizophrenic thinking can turn thoughts into deep layers of meaning that need to be uncovered, thus Lucia thinks something and then she thinks she thinks something else about that something and then she may think she thinks she thinks, and so on.

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