Sunday, May 15, 2022

Alan Moore's Jerusalem: Book 3: Vernall's Inquest: Round the Bend: Line 33

Line 33: "With her compinion thus-why's beassured, Lucia blots her nips upon a paper lapkin and excurses herself, skipling out and thistling down a freshly dizzifected carrydor towheres glass D'orways at its fatherst and, light runnin' inter light."

Non-Lucy-Lips Version: "With her companion thuswise reassured, Lucia blots her lips upon a paper napkin and excuses herself, skipping out and whistling down a freshly disinfected corridor toward glass doorways at its farthest end, light running into light.

Companion who is meant to keep her in her place, as a pin would do. Also a bee, as before, with a stinger.

The "why" is possessive although that may just be to keep from having the "y" and "s" together, thus forming a different sound than intended. So I'll simply assume the why doesn't possess anything. Instead, changing "wise" to "whys" (see? It's weird, right? Just read that as a multiplicity of why) changes the noun from meaning "full of knowledge" to "full of questions." This is probably about how Patricia asks Lucia the same questions every day but could also simply be how Lucia is full of questions about the reality of her past and present.

Lucia has assured her bee, Patricia, that Lucia will be okay to spend the rest of the day on her own.

"blots her nips upon a paper lapkin"
Spoonerism of "lips" with "napkin." Lapkin is appropriate because the napkin rests on the lap during tea. Lucia blotting her nips isn't appropriate at all but it does remind one of leaking teats or udders and thus keeps Nora in our minds. Maybe it's also sexual although I've never seen any porn where a woman dabs at her nipples with a napkin. Maybe I just don't watch enough porn.

"excurses herself"
Lucia removes the curse of being a prisoner of Saint Andrew's Hospital by shedding herself of the authority that would keep her watched and sedated. You know, Patricia!

Skipping but reminiscent of ripling, as water would do when it's on the move. Light also ripples. Remember that Lucia is both water and light! Probably doesn't have anything to do with Rudyard Kipling although you can't rule out anything. Who knows what Alan Moore was thinking? I bet even Alan Moore doesn't remember exactly what he was thinking this many years later!

I translated this to "whistling" simply because the vowel used but I suspect it could be hustling as well. Thistles are prickly which keeps up the "pin" and stinger imagery.

"dizzifected carrydor"
The disinfectant probably makes Lucia dizzy, sometimes necessitating somebody carry Lucia down it.

Could be "toward" or "to where." "Tow" probably goes with "carry" in the previous word, suggesting the need of somebody else to sometimes help Lucia navigate this hallway to freedom.

"D'or" is "golden" in French, describing the way the light from outside shines through the building's glass-covered exit.

"at its fatherst"
Lucia constantly has her father on her mind. James was also often far away, if not physically than mentally as he concentrated on his writing. Plus James was far from Lucia when she was in the hospital. And, of course, he's quite far from her since he's been dead for many decades at this time.

"light runnin' inter light"
Light moving toward light is literally Lucia moving toward the sunlight. Lucia flees from having been "interred" in the Hospital, escaping the grave of her captors to the light above ground.

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