Saturday, May 21, 2022

Alan Moore's Jerusalem: Book 3: Vernall's Inquest: Round the Bend: Line 44

Line 44: "The sauce of her, now!"

Non-Lucy-Lips Version: "The source of her, now!"
So what is Lucy's "source of life" now? The son, Giorgio? The actual sun? Jesus? Herself since she is a representation of all of those in the previous sentence?! Is she her own source of life (and lies!)?

"sauce of her"
Is this gross? This sounds gross. I suppose the things that make us who we are, our passions and our drives and our kinks, could be thought of as sauce. It's the stuff we stew in and the stuff which completes us and the stuff that makes us less bland.

It wasn't always this way! She wasn't always her own source of life. So something has changed. She's had some kind of breakthrough. This is probably why she's having another bildungsroman late in life. We'll probably learn more about this as we read further.

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