Sunday, February 12, 2012

Catwoman #4

The last time this title was used for a storyline, the Joker sold a Nuclear Bomb to terrorists, became the ambassador to the United Nations, and killed Robin. I don't think this 'Death in the Family' will be quite so outrageous.

This time, Catwoman attends a funeral, meets with an old friend, robs some drug dealers in an alleyway, and gets her ass kicked by some telekinetic metahuman named...REACH!

So, yeah. Not quite as crazy. Granted the last Death in the Family went for four issues and had 24 pages per issue (probably). But at least this one had a lot of Catwoman art while the other one just featured a whole lot of Robin.

And then it ends when Reach launchs Catwoman way up over Gotham with her magic blue Reach Around Lightning powers.


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