Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Nightwing #2

Last issue, Nightwing said this guy was quicker than he was. So I expect this cover to end with Nightwing minus one leg.

We left Nightwing lying at the base of a busted water tower with a bunch of broken ribs and a maniac about to kill him! I have a secret wish that this comic only has one panel in it! STAB!

Does that normally happen on Friday?

By the way, Saikou in Japanese means 'the highest' or 'the best' or 'supreme' and all that. But it's easier to read 'Saiko' as psycho, so the killer must have decided to drop the 'u'.

But Saiko means 'the oldest'. So maybe this guy is just the oldest killer! Saiko is also the Japanicized version of the English psycho. But I don't think that's what he was going for.

Nightwing survives this encounter by blasting Saiko with a huge electric shock. Well, that's not exactly true. Nightwing survives the encounter because Saiko shoots an explosive at a carload of innocent people to distract Nightwing so Saiko can escape. Though I don't know why Saiko wanted to escape when he was winning.

They wouldn't be thanking him so quick if they knew he was to blame! And where do they run off to afterwards? I think those guys were criminals! It is Gotham!

After Nightwing helps out the people he almost got killed and they run into the night to let their car burn instead of filing some sort of police report because that's just the kind of thing that happens in Gotham and the car was probably stolen anyway, Nightwing heads back to his apartment. The redhead, Raya, from the circus comes by and they're suddenly off to Atlantic City! Not for romance but because she's in trouble! Oh, those pesky dames!

Either this artist, Eddy Barrows, doesn't know that women are supposed to be shiny and not cross hatchy or else she is a transvestite.

Raya tells Nightwing she's a big liar on the private jet to Atlantic City (I think a jet ride from Gotham to Atlantic City takes four minutes). She isn't in trouble at all! The owner of the circus where Nightwing grew up wants to speak to him in person. And he can't use the phone because he's dying! Hmm, that doesn't make as much sense as it did when I glossed over it reading the comic. Anyway, Nightwing is now in Atlantic City! No, no. The outskirts of Atlantic City! Which is much nicer!

Don't worry! It wasn't an ambush like it really seemed it would be! Instead, Nightwing is given the deed to the circus! Now that would be a nice twist to the New 52! A comic about Circus Life that doesn't have any super villains in it at all. Just mysteries and clown drama and one-night stands with circus groupies.

Hmm. I think I'm going to write that comic. Dibs!

Oh! Sex! This title must be rated Teen Plus. No, wait, that's just a random woman having sex with the title character and not the female title character having sex. Just rate this Teen.

Nightwing and Raya have sex on the four minute flight between Atlantic City and Gotham. And Nightwing still has time for a phone call from Saiko. And Saiko has had enough time to kidnap and torture a ton of secrets from the old, tumor-filled man. I'm beginning to believe Gotham really is in Minnesota like Justice League would have you believe (according to Green Lantern's flight plans).

The old man is on his last legs from cancer and filled with tumors. I'm assuming he's also filled with morphine for the pain. If not, he's used to pain! Either way, I doubt pain or death is much of a motivator for this guy. Especially if he cares about Dick. Which, I guess, he doesn't! I thought Circus People were supposed to be loyal!

Nightwing turns the jet around and dukes it out with Saiko in Haly's old circus warehouse. Nightwing brings the whole warehouse down and exits with the dying old man.

If this Saiko is as good as Nightwing says, he must have purposefully not killed Nightwing here. Thus, Nightwing gets a +1 in his Number of Times He Should Have Been Killed By a Stupid Villain box.

Old Mr. Haly dies in Nightwing's arms but not before telling him the Circus holds a secret in its heart. Oh boy! Next issue, Clownton Abbey!

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