Saturday, February 11, 2012

Batwing #4

There it is. The today tag again. And this is two weeks after Massacre has been killing people for three weeks. And the opening of issue one took place six weeks before Massacre came on the scene. So we've got one week left until the fight by the pyramids and Batwing realizes Massacre is his brother Isaac. Unless it's his husband Isaac? No, wait, that's a different story.

Yes, I'm obsessed with the timeline! And that crotch shot in the picture above! Woo hoo!

This issue begins with Batwing finding the corpse of a third member of The Kingdom, a woman named Dawnfire. Her super power was setting fires just as the sun rose. Sure, the power limited her usefulness but she was still more respected than Aquaman! Burn! In your face, trying to be cool new Aquaman!

Holy Batdysmorphia! Bring back Ben Oliver and his Lens Flares!

After Batwing acts all lecturish, we're taken on another flashback to ten years previously before Isaac was Massacre. Hey, the names are kind of similar too! Isaac and David are known as The Dragonflies because it's cooler if they've got nicknames. They also kill people really well. Or they're really good at killing people but the people don't get killed any better or worse than if they were killed by someone else.

Oops! I forgot this was Africa. I meant they're really good at butchering people!

And then Judd Winnick drops another clue that Massacre is Isaac but, come on, we all figured it out as soon as you mentioned David had a brother in a flashback that didn't mean anything in the middle of the Massacre story line!

See? That's what Massacre says during the fight that takes place in the real present. "We honor them all in blood." Boy, I hope the big reveal that Massacre is actually Isaac didn't take any readers by surprise. If it took you by surprise, you need to rethink how you're reading comic books!

Well there went an hour of comic book reading lost to photoshop.

During the flashback, Isaac disobeys orders to save the women and children of a village they are raiding. His punishment is death. But before he 'dies' by falling off the edge of a cliff, the Warlord does this to him so we can recognize him as an adult and when he's drawn by a better artist:

Batwing's flashback boy version escapes the warlord and declares he is done with killing. And then the non-flashback man version finally realizes he should find the last members of The Kingdom before Massacre does in order to stop him.

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