Mignola out here making this comic seem way more interesting than it actually is.
I shouldn't point to Mike Mignola as the reason I stopped reading this comic book but I will anyway. The last cover made me think, "This is going to be fucking incredible!" And then the story had nothing to do with Mignola's cover. And now this one? Look at this shit! What's this about? What strange supernatural space has Deadman found himself? I can't wait to read this story! But my supposition is that, like last issue, this will have nothing to do with the story inside. And my precious little thirty year old heart (at the time I bought this, I mean!) couldn't stand to be hurt a third time. Is it my fault for judging the book by its cover? For expecting it to be a blend of existential horror and supernatural terror? No, it isn't. I won't blame myself when I was clearly victimized by DC's penchant for having covers that don't match the stories inside. So what if they fooled me over and over and over again since I was a kid? Still not my fault! Look, if you eventually begin blaming Charlie Brown when Lucy's the obviously evil, lying jerk, I'm not sure I want to know you. You don't turn on the victim of perpetual criminals just because they've been victimized one time more than you think is reasonable. They're still the fucking victim, you empathy lacking turd licker!
What I'm trying to say is that nobody in the history of the world has been victimized as horribly as I have been throughout my life by DC's cover lies. I stand by that statement even if it means I sound as naïve and idiotic as Pink does when she sings a song called "My Vietnam" about, well, um, just living her life. Holy shit that wasn't just a dream I had? That's an actual song?! I take it back. I've barely suffered at all and DC's lying about their stories doesn't even move the needle on me! Also I just remembered what the Nazis did in World War II. Oof. What was Pink thinking?! (See how I deflected everything at Pink?! She can take it! She's rich and married to a guy who rides motorcycles and breaks all of his limbs regularly as a living!)
Last issue, we learned that the real villain of this series was a guy named The Sensei. Less said about him, the better. I thought Yellow Peril characters went out of favor in the '80s but it seemed the early 2000s was a whole Renaissance era for them. I'm not suggesting Asian characters shouldn't be villains. I'm all for every kind of person in the world being the evil monster behind all of society's ills! Just maybe don't go with the long fingernails and the Fu Manchu facial hair and the, you know, other exaggerated features. If Yellow Peril villains become acceptable in mainstream media, how long before we're seeing a new trend of golliwog dolls?
Okay, sure, Alan Moore introduced a golliwog character in The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. But that's Alan Moore! If he's writing something racist or rapey or utterly inhumane, you give him the benefit of the doubt that he's doing it in such a smart way that you might be too stupid to understand how it isn't racist or rapey or utterly inhumane! He's a genius and a magician! You know how I know Alan Moore is a genius? Because he's the only person in the history of ever who explained magic to me and made me think, "Holy shit. He's right. Magic is fucking real." And I don't mean that in the way you think I mean it! Magic isn't real. It's a fantasy. But magic is real when it's not a fantasy but words warping reality just like, you know, a spell does! In other words, writers are wizards. Even Grant Morrison couldn't make me believe magic is real and they're pretty good at writing. It's just that when Morrison says something that blows my mind, I don't think, "What a great magician!"; I think, "What great drugs Grant does!"
What do you think Fox News and all that other propaganda shit is? It's a Mass Charm spell, binding the weak-minded and warping their reality. Donald Trump was a demon summoned by Right Wing Republican Grift being chanted over and over and over again until enough people believed in the power of those words. Boom! Demon summoned! Plus the added benefit of making people believe things that aren't real? You make them believe that the people who actually see reality are the ones being fooled into seeing a false reality! It's the perfect spell! Fucking assholes. Why'd they have to be so good at magic and controlling dimwitted morons?
Wow. I really went to sea on that tangent. Here's what I was going to write a few paragraphs ago before I was distracted by racism: "Last issue, we learned that the real villain of this series was a guy named The Sensei. This issue, we learn that Steve Vance thinks prison rape is kind of funny."
What I'm trying to say is that nobody in the history of the world has been victimized as horribly as I have been throughout my life by DC's cover lies. I stand by that statement even if it means I sound as naïve and idiotic as Pink does when she sings a song called "My Vietnam" about, well, um, just living her life. Holy shit that wasn't just a dream I had? That's an actual song?! I take it back. I've barely suffered at all and DC's lying about their stories doesn't even move the needle on me! Also I just remembered what the Nazis did in World War II. Oof. What was Pink thinking?! (See how I deflected everything at Pink?! She can take it! She's rich and married to a guy who rides motorcycles and breaks all of his limbs regularly as a living!)
Last issue, we learned that the real villain of this series was a guy named The Sensei. Less said about him, the better. I thought Yellow Peril characters went out of favor in the '80s but it seemed the early 2000s was a whole Renaissance era for them. I'm not suggesting Asian characters shouldn't be villains. I'm all for every kind of person in the world being the evil monster behind all of society's ills! Just maybe don't go with the long fingernails and the Fu Manchu facial hair and the, you know, other exaggerated features. If Yellow Peril villains become acceptable in mainstream media, how long before we're seeing a new trend of golliwog dolls?
Okay, sure, Alan Moore introduced a golliwog character in The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. But that's Alan Moore! If he's writing something racist or rapey or utterly inhumane, you give him the benefit of the doubt that he's doing it in such a smart way that you might be too stupid to understand how it isn't racist or rapey or utterly inhumane! He's a genius and a magician! You know how I know Alan Moore is a genius? Because he's the only person in the history of ever who explained magic to me and made me think, "Holy shit. He's right. Magic is fucking real." And I don't mean that in the way you think I mean it! Magic isn't real. It's a fantasy. But magic is real when it's not a fantasy but words warping reality just like, you know, a spell does! In other words, writers are wizards. Even Grant Morrison couldn't make me believe magic is real and they're pretty good at writing. It's just that when Morrison says something that blows my mind, I don't think, "What a great magician!"; I think, "What great drugs Grant does!"
What do you think Fox News and all that other propaganda shit is? It's a Mass Charm spell, binding the weak-minded and warping their reality. Donald Trump was a demon summoned by Right Wing Republican Grift being chanted over and over and over again until enough people believed in the power of those words. Boom! Demon summoned! Plus the added benefit of making people believe things that aren't real? You make them believe that the people who actually see reality are the ones being fooled into seeing a false reality! It's the perfect spell! Fucking assholes. Why'd they have to be so good at magic and controlling dimwitted morons?
Wow. I really went to sea on that tangent. Here's what I was going to write a few paragraphs ago before I was distracted by racism: "Last issue, we learned that the real villain of this series was a guy named The Sensei. This issue, we learn that Steve Vance thinks prison rape is kind of funny."

Granted, the guy doesn't actually threaten him with rape. So maybe Vance meant to imply this muscular guy plans on inundating the new fish with terrible puns.
While that guy about to wish he were dead because of all the puns being told to him while he gets raped was being thrown in his prison cell, he was screaming that everybody was going to die that very day. How does he know that? Well, the comic book is going to tell us because after that exciting opening page that uses one of the worst things that could happen to a person as a punchline, the story reverts to two weeks previous where we see this guy, in Europe, setting up a drug deal with a guy who looks like a cross between a fisherman, an academic, and a DILF.

Oh? Leash talk? My penis is listening!
While nefarious things are going on in Europe (bad nefarious things! Not the usual consensual sexy adult nefarious things that are always going on in Europe), Deadman has decided that he needs help finding the evil exiles of Nanda Parbat. But before he finds somebody to help him, he decides to possess Lois Lane to find out what getting fucked by Superman is like.

Holy shit. Lois is so fucking horny.
Lois grabbing Clark's tit as she pushes herself up against him from the back might be the sexiest panel I've ever scanned while doing this blog. And I know sexy! Haven't I scanned panels with dead Rose Wilson drawn by Paolo Pantalena before? You don't get sexier than that!

See? So hot!
Deadman gets tired of waiting around for the sexy times to begin because Superman keeps zipping out to save some idiot's life every few seconds. Lois, totally being used to these interruptions, probably has a vibrator inserted keeping her edging the whole time Clark flies out a window. She doesn't seem bothered at all by the constant interruptions.
Ignoring my bullshit, Deadman actually thought Superman could help him find the Nanda Parbatans but decided against it when he saw Superman is even too busy to fuck Lois. He'd probably ask Batman for help but I'm assuming Batman has either kept his secret identity secret even from Deadman or Deadman knows, from past experience, that Batman has a punch of Ghostbuster-style traps protecting every entrance to the Batcave.
Ignoring my bullshit, Deadman actually thought Superman could help him find the Nanda Parbatans but decided against it when he saw Superman is even too busy to fuck Lois. He'd probably ask Batman for help but I'm assuming Batman has either kept his secret identity secret even from Deadman or Deadman knows, from past experience, that Batman has a punch of Ghostbuster-style traps protecting every entrance to the Batcave.

See? Must be the ghost traps. Sounds like they're super painful.
Boston decides to visit Max for a little conversation via tape recorder. He doesn't learn much more than nonsense, philosophical hokum like good exists because evil exists and we choose our path due to free will and it happens because it happens. Max aphorisms don't literally help Boston but somewhere in the conversation, Boston has an "A-ha!" moment and takes off to follow a hunch. So at least there's that and none of the philosophical conversation needs to be carry any weight; it just gets to sound profound for a few pages before Boston forgets it all.
While Deadman is doing whatever he decided to do, Vector 9 and some other Rakvian terrorist hijack a submarine. They do this by pretending there's an emergency and getting the rest of the crew to abandon ship. That led me on a lazy rabbit hole exploration trip about escaping from submarines because my first thought was, "Subs have escape pods?" I can't say I'm confident on any of the information I found but it looks like subs abandoned the idea of escaping disabled submarines for outside rescue. It seems it's safer to remain in a disabled sub on the ocean floor and wait for rescue than it is to exit the sub and have to endure whatever conditions are on the surface while awaiting rescue. I'm not confident on that though, and I definitely haven't kept any timelines straight. I'm assuming Steve Vance did his research in 2002 and submarines were maybe using escape pods of some sort? Although wouldn't the crew of the Russian nuclear submarine, the Kursk, have used an escape pod if they were being used? Anyway, in the DC Universe, you can trick a submarine crew into abandoning the submarine and then take possession of the submarine yourself. Easy peasy!
While Deadman is doing whatever he decided to do, Vector 9 and some other Rakvian terrorist hijack a submarine. They do this by pretending there's an emergency and getting the rest of the crew to abandon ship. That led me on a lazy rabbit hole exploration trip about escaping from submarines because my first thought was, "Subs have escape pods?" I can't say I'm confident on any of the information I found but it looks like subs abandoned the idea of escaping disabled submarines for outside rescue. It seems it's safer to remain in a disabled sub on the ocean floor and wait for rescue than it is to exit the sub and have to endure whatever conditions are on the surface while awaiting rescue. I'm not confident on that though, and I definitely haven't kept any timelines straight. I'm assuming Steve Vance did his research in 2002 and submarines were maybe using escape pods of some sort? Although wouldn't the crew of the Russian nuclear submarine, the Kursk, have used an escape pod if they were being used? Anyway, in the DC Universe, you can trick a submarine crew into abandoning the submarine and then take possession of the submarine yourself. Easy peasy!

No wait. What's the opposite of easy peasy? Hardy pardy?
Oh hey! A submarine plot point! And the cover? Sea of Madness! With Deadman surrounded by fish and bones! Is it going to actually be relevant?!
Oh! I knew I recognized that guy who plans on listening to his cellmate deliver fifty terrible puns per day. He was Frankie Serna's drug dealer who told them where to find all the people who purchased Hate Cocaine before Max and Boston left him for the cops. Now he's in prison with an understanding that the world will be brought down by Hate Cocaine (or something similar) soon. Deadman finally remembered him and thought, "Why the fuck not? This low-level criminal might know something. I'm all out of other ideas!"
I should applaud this comic book for wasting so many pages with Boston having no idea what to do next, just to make it more realistic. Most comic books would have had a television in a department store window broadcast breaking news which Boston would have coincidentally been floating by at the time so he'd immediately know what to do next. I usually criticize that kind of lazy writing while acknowledging that it's better than reading ten pages of the heroes not knowing what to do. But now I have proof that ten pages of a hero not knowing what to do is actually better than some deus ex machina newscast pointing them in the right direction. Because without this plot point of Boston being lost, we never would have seen how Lois fingers Clark's nipples and rubs her pudenda up against his rock hard ass as he cooks.
Deadman flies into the prison just in time to hear Serna's man lamenting how everybody is going to die. He does know something! So Deadman possesses the rap...er...punster to question Serna's guy.
Oh! I knew I recognized that guy who plans on listening to his cellmate deliver fifty terrible puns per day. He was Frankie Serna's drug dealer who told them where to find all the people who purchased Hate Cocaine before Max and Boston left him for the cops. Now he's in prison with an understanding that the world will be brought down by Hate Cocaine (or something similar) soon. Deadman finally remembered him and thought, "Why the fuck not? This low-level criminal might know something. I'm all out of other ideas!"
I should applaud this comic book for wasting so many pages with Boston having no idea what to do next, just to make it more realistic. Most comic books would have had a television in a department store window broadcast breaking news which Boston would have coincidentally been floating by at the time so he'd immediately know what to do next. I usually criticize that kind of lazy writing while acknowledging that it's better than reading ten pages of the heroes not knowing what to do. But now I have proof that ten pages of a hero not knowing what to do is actually better than some deus ex machina newscast pointing them in the right direction. Because without this plot point of Boston being lost, we never would have seen how Lois fingers Clark's nipples and rubs her pudenda up against his rock hard ass as he cooks.
Deadman flies into the prison just in time to hear Serna's man lamenting how everybody is going to die. He does know something! So Deadman possesses the rap...er...punster to question Serna's guy.

Exactly the kind of plan somebody on cocaine would come up with and think it's great. Somehow, a bunch of other people bought into it too.
Serna's guy also knew the exact location they were going to rendezvous with the submarine. Luckily for everybody involved (the people of Glade City who now won't be nuked and Deadman who will be able to communicate with the ghosts), everybody aboard the submarine was killed. Deadman doesn't realize it yet but he's flying toward . . . a Sea of Madness!
Deadman locates the submarine using a power I didn't know he had: Dead Reckoning! When he gets there, he finds a rescue submarine hard at work collecting the nuclear sub from the dead man. It's captained by the Fisherman DILF from earlier, a guy named Vilos. I guess it was his plan all along to double-cross this Rakvian idiots so he could pocket all of Serna's drug money for himself. So the nuclear threat is still a threat since it's this Vilos guy who expects to get paid in a few hours. But nobody needs to worry about that with Deadman and his super powers of possession and dead reckoning on the case!
Deadman possesses Vilos to try to get everybody to stop stealing the submarine. But since Boston doesn't speak Rakvian, the rest of Vilos's crew turn on him and knock him unconscious. Deadman decides that maybe pure chaos (or MADNESS?!) is the way to stop this hijacking so he jumps from body to body, confusing everybody and turning the ship into a huge free-for-all brawl.
Vilos awakes to see the chaos and rushes off to escape. He knows it's Deadman who's probably causing the issues because his actual boss, The Sensei, has briefed him on their possible enemies. But in the end, Vilos fucks up. He learns a harsh lesson about underwater, submarines, and pressure. Like those poor billionaires on the Titan submersible! Rich in material goods, poor in risk assessment and gray matter.
Deadman locates the submarine using a power I didn't know he had: Dead Reckoning! When he gets there, he finds a rescue submarine hard at work collecting the nuclear sub from the dead man. It's captained by the Fisherman DILF from earlier, a guy named Vilos. I guess it was his plan all along to double-cross this Rakvian idiots so he could pocket all of Serna's drug money for himself. So the nuclear threat is still a threat since it's this Vilos guy who expects to get paid in a few hours. But nobody needs to worry about that with Deadman and his super powers of possession and dead reckoning on the case!
Deadman possesses Vilos to try to get everybody to stop stealing the submarine. But since Boston doesn't speak Rakvian, the rest of Vilos's crew turn on him and knock him unconscious. Deadman decides that maybe pure chaos (or MADNESS?!) is the way to stop this hijacking so he jumps from body to body, confusing everybody and turning the ship into a huge free-for-all brawl.
Vilos awakes to see the chaos and rushes off to escape. He knows it's Deadman who's probably causing the issues because his actual boss, The Sensei, has briefed him on their possible enemies. But in the end, Vilos fucks up. He learns a harsh lesson about underwater, submarines, and pressure. Like those poor billionaires on the Titan submersible! Rich in material goods, poor in risk assessment and gray matter.

Deadman fails to speak with the ghosts of Vilos or the rest of his gang so he doesn't get any leads on The Sensei. Being that this is the last issue of this series that I bought, I'll just assume that Deadman grew bored of hunting down evil men from Nanda Parbat and just got on with his death.
Deadman #4 Rating: B. I'm not sure how to sum up this issue because I've been distracted the entire time I've been reading it by the cover of the next comic book in my stack. I'll just say three words and you'll understand why I couldn't stop staring at it: "Amanda. Conner. Boobs." Um, not Amanda's boobs! But you know how she draws! Imagine that with boobs! But also the character with the boobs has that now iconic Internet thirsty Only Fans girl look where they're kind of sticking their tongue out in that way that says, "I want something on my tongue and you know what it is it is your cock put it on my tongue." I can't wait to read that comic book so much that I've already forgotten all about this one. I guess it was decent? So decent I never bought the next issue! Was that a burn? boobs
Deadman #4 Rating: B. I'm not sure how to sum up this issue because I've been distracted the entire time I've been reading it by the cover of the next comic book in my stack. I'll just say three words and you'll understand why I couldn't stop staring at it: "Amanda. Conner. Boobs." Um, not Amanda's boobs! But you know how she draws! Imagine that with boobs! But also the character with the boobs has that now iconic Internet thirsty Only Fans girl look where they're kind of sticking their tongue out in that way that says, "I want something on my tongue and you know what it is it is your cock put it on my tongue." I can't wait to read that comic book so much that I've already forgotten all about this one. I guess it was decent? So decent I never bought the next issue! Was that a burn? boobs
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