Where'd Mike Mignola come from?!
Sometimes when I'm reading a series, I'll look it up on the Mile High Comics website just to see how many issues it ran and, sometimes, to see if the comic has any value at all. With Deadman, I discovered that the series only ran for nine issues and that there was a small bump in value on issues beginning with the third. Was that because of Mike Mignola's covers? I'm going to answer, "Absolutely. Without question. No doubt. The king of all undisputed facts." Along with that answer, I have a question: "Did Mike think he was doing a cover for Moon Knight?"
Last issue, we learned that a special chemical had to be added to cocaine to make the user paranoid. Was that ingredient just more cocaine? Did Duroc just invent more cocaine? No wait. I just remembered that his additive also makes the user more violent. So I think along with the extra cocaine, he added testosterone.
I've never done cocaine in my life because I only do things that interest me and talking one million miles an hour while your nose runs and you believe people are stealing your brilliant cocaine thoughts while you basically edge a heart attack doesn't sound fun. I was once at a party in the middle of the day (some older person's birthday? I didn't know anybody but the guy who brought me (Bob Henline, the not yet burnt and not yet a comedian guy you might have heard about)) and his cousin Derek. Everybody at the party was doing cocaine. The bathroom had black fixtures, black granite, and black carpet (YES CARPET I KNOW FUCKING GROSS), I guess so you'd never lose any of your sweet cocaine when you dropped it. Derek, Bob, and I had gone to the flea market earlier in the day while doing LSD. We peaked at the dirt mall so later at the party, I was just chilling, feeling relaxed and all smoothed out and just sipping the same one beer for however long we were there. Derek was busy trying to collect all the dirty prizes that came out of the adult piƱata, like the wind-up, walking cock and the flavored condoms. And Bob found his way into the cocaine because he was sitting at the kitchen table telling incoherent stories at five million miles an hour. Everybody at the party looked at me like I was a narc but I couldn't be bothered because I was in such a blissful state. Coming down on LSD, before the physical weirdness sets in, is like meditation and massage combined. So fucking relaxing!
Anyway, don't tell Bob I told that story! If you do, I'll have to digitize my VHS footage of us from the place at the mall that let you make music videos! Oh wait. That's actually an incentive, isn't it? And I'd be punishing myself! Never mind!
I also surmised that this Battle Royale drug would wind up being snorted by big wigs in Hollywood, California. But it turns out, the drug has been dispensed in Hollywood, Florida! So once people start taking it, nobody will even notice. And, basically, that's exactly what winds up happening.
Last issue, we learned that a special chemical had to be added to cocaine to make the user paranoid. Was that ingredient just more cocaine? Did Duroc just invent more cocaine? No wait. I just remembered that his additive also makes the user more violent. So I think along with the extra cocaine, he added testosterone.
I've never done cocaine in my life because I only do things that interest me and talking one million miles an hour while your nose runs and you believe people are stealing your brilliant cocaine thoughts while you basically edge a heart attack doesn't sound fun. I was once at a party in the middle of the day (some older person's birthday? I didn't know anybody but the guy who brought me (Bob Henline, the not yet burnt and not yet a comedian guy you might have heard about)) and his cousin Derek. Everybody at the party was doing cocaine. The bathroom had black fixtures, black granite, and black carpet (YES CARPET I KNOW FUCKING GROSS), I guess so you'd never lose any of your sweet cocaine when you dropped it. Derek, Bob, and I had gone to the flea market earlier in the day while doing LSD. We peaked at the dirt mall so later at the party, I was just chilling, feeling relaxed and all smoothed out and just sipping the same one beer for however long we were there. Derek was busy trying to collect all the dirty prizes that came out of the adult piƱata, like the wind-up, walking cock and the flavored condoms. And Bob found his way into the cocaine because he was sitting at the kitchen table telling incoherent stories at five million miles an hour. Everybody at the party looked at me like I was a narc but I couldn't be bothered because I was in such a blissful state. Coming down on LSD, before the physical weirdness sets in, is like meditation and massage combined. So fucking relaxing!
Anyway, don't tell Bob I told that story! If you do, I'll have to digitize my VHS footage of us from the place at the mall that let you make music videos! Oh wait. That's actually an incentive, isn't it? And I'd be punishing myself! Never mind!
I also surmised that this Battle Royale drug would wind up being snorted by big wigs in Hollywood, California. But it turns out, the drug has been dispensed in Hollywood, Florida! So once people start taking it, nobody will even notice. And, basically, that's exactly what winds up happening.

This is page two. Deadman already took care of most of the problem between issues.
I don't know how Deadman tracked down all of the Hate Cocaine. He probably has sources on the other side. You'd think Deadman would talk to a lot more ghosts than he does, don't you? Instead he just gets people killed, interacts with the ghosts of those people for the few seconds before they enter the afterlife, and then goes back to possessing somebody about to jerk off so he can get one last hit of human ecstasy. If I were Deadman, I'd hang out at haunted places, especially those where women were said to have killed themselves, and hit on them all night long. I'd bother them all night just ghost moaning, "Come on! Just touch it. Please touch it! Come on! I'm so full of ectoplasm I'm going to burst!" I'd be all up in the Amityville house trying to fuck that pig ghost. Christ, I'd be such a thirsty ghost!
Deadman possesses the guy on the Hate Drug and convinces the secretary to knock him out. I love the look and hand gesture of the guy getting smashed in the cranium with the LCD.
Deadman possesses the guy on the Hate Drug and convinces the secretary to knock him out. I love the look and hand gesture of the guy getting smashed in the cranium with the LCD.

Come on, lady. You didn't smash him in the head with the tower! Just the monitor!
Boston and Max tracked down all the cocaine by threatening one of Duroc's dealers. Now they're hunting down the last of the buyers so that he doesn't bite anybody's face off. But being Florida, they can't stop everybody from biting off a face or two. Can you stop an avalanche? Sweep back a tsunami? People getting their faces bitten off is just something you have to live with if you live in Florida. It's on the state flag.
Boston becomes super depressed that more people have died and he couldn't save them. It's weird. He knows there's an afterlife but he's all butthurt when people get killed. Maybe he's jealous that they get to pass on while he has to remain on Earth with the only people who can see and talk to him being boring fucks like The Phantom Stranger and The Spectre. He probably hates seeing the souls of the recently departed fly off confused and scared and never having to hear The Spectre say, "There's nothing I can do! I can't interfere! My only duty is killing cops who actually feel guilty about the murders they constantly commit! Let's face it, it's a good job!"
Boston decides to stop Duroc's plan once and for all. He flies off to possess Duroc's right-hand man and shoot Duroc in the face.
Boston becomes super depressed that more people have died and he couldn't save them. It's weird. He knows there's an afterlife but he's all butthurt when people get killed. Maybe he's jealous that they get to pass on while he has to remain on Earth with the only people who can see and talk to him being boring fucks like The Phantom Stranger and The Spectre. He probably hates seeing the souls of the recently departed fly off confused and scared and never having to hear The Spectre say, "There's nothing I can do! I can't interfere! My only duty is killing cops who actually feel guilty about the murders they constantly commit! Let's face it, it's a good job!"
Boston decides to stop Duroc's plan once and for all. He flies off to possess Duroc's right-hand man and shoot Duroc in the face.

Serves you right, you fucking pusshole.
Deadman has already killed two people in this series by possessing them and taking an action while in their body that leads directly to their deaths. But he can't shoot the main villain in the head? He's worse than Batman! Out of context, that sounds like the most obvious fact. Everybody is worse than Batman! But you know what I meant, right? I don't think you'd be reading my blog if you didn't have the ability to follow along with my barely coherent rambling bullshit.
Duroc already figured out that everything going wrong was due to Deadman possessing all of his underlings. So this was a trap! Duroc punches Deadman in the face, knocking out the man Deadman is possessing. That way, if Deadman leaves the body, Duroc will know because it will slump to the ground. He tells Deadman that he'll shoot Manos, his right-hand man, if Deadman leaves. Deadman surrenders in defeat. Earlier, before he got super depressed from seeing so many dead bodies, he would have attempted to wrestle the gun away from Duroc with little regard to whether Manos was shot or not. Earlier he had a secretary bash a guy he was possessing in the head with a computer monitor from the late '90s. You know how heavy those fucking things were? That guy's probably dead too! But now, with the fate of the world in the balance, Deadman's afraid to bring harm to his criminal host who is probably a murderer many times over.
To celebrate having finally captured Deadman, Duroc kicks a servant down the stairs.
Duroc already figured out that everything going wrong was due to Deadman possessing all of his underlings. So this was a trap! Duroc punches Deadman in the face, knocking out the man Deadman is possessing. That way, if Deadman leaves the body, Duroc will know because it will slump to the ground. He tells Deadman that he'll shoot Manos, his right-hand man, if Deadman leaves. Deadman surrenders in defeat. Earlier, before he got super depressed from seeing so many dead bodies, he would have attempted to wrestle the gun away from Duroc with little regard to whether Manos was shot or not. Earlier he had a secretary bash a guy he was possessing in the head with a computer monitor from the late '90s. You know how heavy those fucking things were? That guy's probably dead too! But now, with the fate of the world in the balance, Deadman's afraid to bring harm to his criminal host who is probably a murderer many times over.
To celebrate having finally captured Deadman, Duroc kicks a servant down the stairs.

This is how my family celebrates the resurrection of Jesus! Except with less chocolate eggs.
Easter at my house, we used to hang up construction paper cutouts of Pontius Pilate, Herod, and Judas Iscariot. It was to keep the ghost of Jesus away because I was terrified of ghosts and Jesus was like the most ghosty of all ghosts.
That guy getting kicked down the stairs might have seemed like a character driven moment to prove that Duroc was a big jerk. But it was actually a sneaky plot moment that won't mean anything to the reader until they get to the end of the comic book to find out who the true villain of this series is! Oops! I almost spoiled the big surprise twist!
Duroc leaves Deadman with two of his henchmen who don't know it's Deadman and just think it's their old buddy Manos. They don't want to shoot him but they also saw how Duroc just kicked an old man down the stairs for being terrible at his job. They definitely don't want to get kicked down some stairs so they keep their guns trained on Deadman and try to convince themselves that they will shoot him if he falls unconscious. Deadman takes advantage of their confusion, fear, and slight feelings of friendship with Manos.
That guy getting kicked down the stairs might have seemed like a character driven moment to prove that Duroc was a big jerk. But it was actually a sneaky plot moment that won't mean anything to the reader until they get to the end of the comic book to find out who the true villain of this series is! Oops! I almost spoiled the big surprise twist!
Duroc leaves Deadman with two of his henchmen who don't know it's Deadman and just think it's their old buddy Manos. They don't want to shoot him but they also saw how Duroc just kicked an old man down the stairs for being terrible at his job. They definitely don't want to get kicked down some stairs so they keep their guns trained on Deadman and try to convince themselves that they will shoot him if he falls unconscious. Deadman takes advantage of their confusion, fear, and slight feelings of friendship with Manos.

Deadman is just a slightly better version of Jericho from the Teen Titans with a slightly worse collar than Nightwing's from the Teen Titans.
It's at this point, halfway through the issue, that the pacing of this story really goes off the fucking rails. I think it's because Vance only has nine more pages for Boston to defeat Duroc's plans and still introduce the actual villain of the story on the last page. So eight more pages! Plus, by the time you get to the final page, you realize these last eight pages with Deadman don't matter. Because Deadman doesn't do anything to defeat Duroc. Duroc has already been defeated by the old man he kicked down the stairs. But nobody knows that yet! Not even Duroc!

Deadman is defeated by this door.
Not being able to get through the door to stop Duroc celebrating with all the other Nanda Parbatans for their super smart drug ploy to rule the world, Deadman decides to go destroy their drugs. So I guess he does do something heroic even if he doesn't stop Duroc himself. Deadman also calls the police who arrive on the scene in less than a minute because this is a comic book and real world physics don't affect comic book plots. I know police responding to a call isn't actually a physical law of the universe but it might as well be! Cops suck worse than black holes!
After the police arrive, Deadman decides to go see how Duroc and his guests are doing. In ghost form, of course, because his corporeal host was defeated by a corporeal door. When he enters the room, he finds everybody dead! Murdered by each other!
After the police arrive, Deadman decides to go see how Duroc and his guests are doing. In ghost form, of course, because his corporeal host was defeated by a corporeal door. When he enters the room, he finds everybody dead! Murdered by each other!

Boston wants Duroc to look at Duroc's dead body with three faces in its mouth.
What Deadman doesn't realize is that the old man who was kicked down the stairs poisoned Duroc's wine with his Hate Cocaine! He also stole Duroc's ledger with the location of all the ex-residents of Nanda Parbat! Bumping into Duroc to steal the ledger is what got the old man kicked down the stairs. But he wasn't the mastermind of this plan. He was just the personal servant of the mastermind: The Sensei!

Censored for the use of Yellow Peril. We had enough of that shit with The Authority!
Deadman #3 Rating: C+. I can't decide if I liked the way this issue ended or not so I'm going to go with a slightly above average grade on this one. I don't like that Deadman, when he's given the chance to slow down and think, doesn't want to put the body he's possessing at risk but he often puts the body of the person he's possessing at risk anyway because he acts too much on impulse. He's like a person who takes three drinks out of a crystal goblet and then smashes it to the floor because he's through with it and there are about 7 billion more on the shelf that he can use for his next drink. I don't like how he's portrayed as fairly impotent. And it's not like he doesn't know it! He falls into Duroc's trap in this issue because he was trying to get a big fat boner of justice instead of not saving people constantly. Up until he falls into the trap, he's watched so many people die and caused a few of their deaths himself. He watched The Flash die. He watched Jason Todd die. He watched Superman die. He caused one of Mongul's guards to die. He blew up a graverobber. He got Duroc's pilot shot dead by Duroc. He got a Hate Cocaine user's brains smashed out by a secretary. He couldn't get to the last Hate Cocaine user in time and several people had their faces bitten off. He's just a fucking mess by the time he goes after Duroc directly. And he still couldn't pull the trigger on him. Maybe that's noble? Or is it just pusshole?
And now that I've finished reading this issue, I'm even more convinced that Mignola thought he was doing a Moon Knight cover. It had nothing to do with this issue!
And now that I've finished reading this issue, I'm even more convinced that Mignola thought he was doing a Moon Knight cover. It had nothing to do with this issue!
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