If they fucked on the Bat Signal, who would respond to the image in the sky? Intercourse Man?
Typical Internet User: "I wonder how you make a nice stir fry? I'd better consult You-Tube!"
Has there ever been a super hero named Batmanana? If not, I just invented him! It's either Batman crossed with a Banana or Spanish Batman from tomorrow. Although that would actually be Batmañana.
This issue begins with Catwoman stealing a UHA Collect Club Figurine.
Notice I only recognize this famous artifact because the Japanese made a toy out of it. Me = Cultured!
The scene shifts to Wayne Manor where Carrie Kelley is filming Bruce Wayne on her phone. See what happens when you get your son and your girlfriend killed and leave Alfred feeling super lonely, Bruce? He hires precocious college kids to come around the house and invade you privacy! Bruce seems a bit put out but who wouldn't be when you're trying to wake up and enjoy your morning cup of Batcoffee with some morning person blah blah blahing all over your peace and quiet time. But at least Titus is being taken care of. I wonder who is taking care of Batcow? I suppose since Batcow lives in the Batcave, Alfred can't hire anyone to take care of him.
I think I recently said Demon Knights was my favorite comic book but that's because I can't think of all 52 comics at one time when discussing them and I forget about most of them. Like this comic book! I think this is my favorite comic book! DC Comics needs to have a staff meeting where everybody gathers together and Dan DiDio brings Peter J. Tomasi up to the front of the room. He can point to him and say, "Read this guy's shit. Do what he's doing. But not with Batman and Robin! Use the characters you were assigned!" And then he'll call up Scott Lobdell for the what not to do section of the meeting.
Carrie Kelley offers Bruce the interview she recorded of Damian telling her why he wanted to take acting lessons. In exchange, Bruce is supposed have Damian call her within the week. Bruce agrees. How is he going to manage that? Can he offer Clayface time served to act as Damian again and speak with Carrie? Or maybe he just doesn't fucking care about lying to this kid butting her nose into his business.
Oh yeah! He has a Batcomputer at his disposal! I'd still rather see him use Clayface.
If you actually believed she was stealing a bridge, then I've got a bridge she stole to sell you. What she's really doing is putting out the Pussysignal. She slaps a silhouette of a pussy on a light on the Gotham Bridge to tell Batman she wants to see him. And Batman just can't seem to ignore that signal.
Catwoman just blabs her JLA secret to Batman. Amanda Waller can't keep any of her subordinates in line without a nanocite bomb collar.
Rawwr! Kitty has verbal barbs! Which is odd since most kitties have claws.
This commentary should be called "Batman and All of My Flaws and Character Defects #22."
Batman's entire plan hinges on leaving no trace of their infiltration since storming an embassy could cause some major international issues. But in one of the panels where Catwoman and Batman are taking out the guards, Batman goes face to face with one. That could be a problem later! Although I doubt it will. So forget I even mentioned it.
Eventually they reach the asset and come face to face with a small army of mutant super powered bio weapons. So I guess the one guard seeing Batman's face earlier is a bit of a moot point.
I was close! It's the Daughter of a Doctor Noname Whothefuck!
What I'm trying to say is this: It's a good thing Batman came along!
Batman and Catwoman take out the super-powered thugs because they've got the experience against the newly created nobodies. So the last person they need to deal with is the Scary Chinese Bad Guy Bureaucrat!
And he must have been a very scary bad bureaucrat indeed for the little girl to run toward and embrace Batman to get away from him. Maybe Batman is only scary to adults and insects.
The issue ends with Carrie receiving a phone message from Damian and being properly fooled by it. She'll be keeping in touch with him via email from now on. And the final page shows Two-Face fail at massacring a restaurant full of people because his stupid coin comes up non-scars. And then next month: Nightwing! Finally! So Nightwing will be next and then the September Villain issue will drop and then in October, Damian will be back! No, that might be too soon. We still need a Batman and Alfred issue and a Batman and Batcow issue. Then, after those two issues kick ass all over my ass, Damian will be back!
Batman and Catwoman #22 Rating: +1 Ranking. All I have left to say is this: Peter J. Tomasi writes compelling characters and really nice, believable dialogue. This is a solid fucking book.
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