Or maybe he's dragged into time! Mind blown!
If I were schizophrenic, I would believe the comic book and I were having a discussion.
That's the moment, the tiny wave, where J.T. Krul's analogy falls apart. Because now he's saying that events in the time stream can't be viewed from any direction? They can't watch a small wave gather up and turn into a big wave? Dumb. But even dumber, the Time Stream is chock full of Captain Atoms!
But still just one Captain Atom! Mind blown?
Same thing, dillhole.
But these Captain Atoms make a point of telling Present Captain Atom that they are all from one universe, one timeline. No parallel dimensions here. Which means they're changing their past by telling a Past Captain Atom to change his future.
Like I said. This can only end in stupidity.
The Future Captain Atom's send Past Captain Atom to the day before the end of the world so that he can stop the world from ending. Is that going to work? Are the Future Captain Atom's saying that the big wave that caused Earth's destruction began the day before? No. Captain Atom probably isn't here to stop the destruction of the Earth the day before it happens. He's probably here to learn how the Earth is destroyed so that it will give him a clue as to the moment in his time that set the Earth on this path. So he checks on the people from his past to see how they're doing.
Nope, Scott Scott Alexander Scott isn't causing trouble.
Well, he's become a Super Villain but he's not going to end the world.
Uh oh. I think we've found the problem!
Captain Atom Issue #8 Rating: No change in the ranks. Again, the comic was told much better than many of the initial comics. But I will never allow a comic to move up the rankings for telling stupid out of time future possibility stories. Any plot based on the character deriving his motivation from a future event and acting on that knowledge to deal with the present is bullshit. It's crib sheets for writing a story. Much easier to come up with a story if you have a problem at hand (pun!) and you can make the protagonist react to that problem. But it's just dumb when you choose to make the conflict a problem from the future.
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