Sunday, June 5, 2016

Earth Too: Society #12

Time to give the populace of Earth Too a reason for fearing super heroes!

The Review or Whatever!
If I had a checklist of all the most common tropes in modern super hero comic book writing, this book would probably tick just about every box. I don't have that checklist though because it would mean actually having to think up a bunch of them and then maybe finding out that this comic book doesn't actually tick as many of the boxes as I thought it did. I'd rather believe that I have an efficient system and well-thought out reasons for disliking this comic book so much.

Currently a couple of cities are about to go to war with each other to steal each others stuff and they're blaming this act on the Wonders. Just mentioning that that is the plot is already making me angry! How ignorant, foolish, and fearful are the people of Earth 2? These asshole politicians were already able to convince the idiots of each city (random people thrown together on each ship through the process of utter chaos) to fear for their lives enough to go out and murder the people of every other city? Is nobody else exhausted by DC's take on the average person as a fucking irrational dolt full of hatred and ignorance? I guess that's why they make every single fucking hero a genius. Because who wouldn't be a genius compared to the rabble making up the DC Universe's general population?

See? The Wonders are smart enough to say no. Meanwhile the residents of the two cities going to war are just shrugging their shoulders and saying, "Enh. It's something to do, I guess."

Steel just about convinces them their ethical and moral objections to what's happening are wrong by pointing out if he were a violent dick and began murdering one of them, Power Girl would have to use force to stop him. Yeah. So? That's called an analogy and, as usual with the case of analogies, they don't actually fucking prove any argument. All this analogy proves is that the possible war situation is a really complicated situation that Steel isn't smart enough to discuss and so he makes up another situation that's much easier to understand and pretends that the two situations are equal. The first way I see that his analogy isn't even close to what's happening is that he never actually beats on anybody. See? He also knows that violence isn't the answer or else he would have shut up and began busting skulls. All he did was prove Power Girl's point that they should be discussing another option instead of killing people.

My option would be to just let the two cities fucking destroy themselves. If the politicians could find that many people to arm themselves and march on another city full of more desperate people, let them kill themselves. Anybody who is against this conflict had better head out to a city that isn't about to become a warzone.

I'm not. Except that I guess it gives writers and editors sex time pants feelings.

Alan Scott goes to ask Val what he should do. He was powerful enough to terraform this planet but now he thinks the only way to stop a war is to kill the aggressors? I take back what I said about the Wonders being geniuses. Val, at least, tells him what he needs to hear. Don't stop the war with more fighting. Stop the reason for the supposed need for the war. Become the planet's power generator, dum-dum.

Which is what he does! It's what he should have done a whole bunch of issues ago. It was what he should have done without all the hand-wringing. It was what he should have done without needing the pacifist's advice. But I guess the comic book needs to extend the drama since this book gets to live a bit longer than most of the rest of The New 52.

Behind it all is Ultra-Humanite so I guess I can't even blame the general populace for being cowardly morons anymore? Now I have to believe that he pulled some psychic shenanigans to get them to go to war so that Green Lantern would give up his ring to power the world? I'd rather believe Ultra-Humanite got lucky that this is how the conflict was ended rather than believe he knew this would happen all along. Although I suppose he is a pretty smart ape. I still can't forgive Power Girl, The Flash, and Huntress for throwing their ethics in the dustbin to join the military's fight to stop the war. And I still think the answer to everybody's power problems is solar power since there are two suns.

I suppose I need to go easier on this story because it is a comic book! What I'm asking for is a twenty page story with a bunch of people working toward a diplomatic solution to the world's problems. Of course there has to be threats of violence! I should just be happy that Green Lantern finally came to his senses and figured out a way to use his godlike power in a compassionate and rational way. Although even as my anger softens, I'd like to point out that one of the boxes I'd be ticking on my checklist is the one where a super villain has a really elaborate plan that disregards hundreds of random things that could go wrong to still wind up achieving the desired outcome of said plan.

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