Saturday, August 2, 2014

The Flash #33

Another Jeezly Crow Batman cover found its way into my pull box!

Previously on The Flash, Patty was pissed at Barry for going on dates with Iris disguised as mentoring opportunities to teach Wally West how to be more white. Also, Future Flash was on a murder spree through time! Barry was also learning about how the special theory of relativity really fucks up his life.

Oh! I also forgot the main plot of the Now part of The Flash comic book. Some guy has stolen a bunch of different super villainous weapons from Prison Island Prison and is using them to kill people and thwart The Flash and maybe to profit somehow as well. Barry, not being a detective, really wants to solve the case so he can get some respect. Or something.

Double Oh! I also forgot about how many speed puns The Flash comic book forces down your throat. They took a back seat to the actual story for awhile as Manaletto ran out of steam (pun!) but now that they have a fresh writing team on the book, they're really ramping up the pun pace!

References to The Flash's speed by the end of page two:
1. "ran in the same crew"
2. "Barry! Wait up!"
3. "We're all running overtime"
4. "I wrote down the license number. I thought maybe you could run it"

That's four in two pages! Some of them might not be intentional but you can't be too careful when reading an issue of The Flash! People are constantly running things and trying to catch up to things and not being able to slow down and fucking up time and causing the entirety of the DC Universe to collapse. All because of puns! Puns are dangerous!

Anyway, Iris can't control her nephew so she thinks it's Barry's job to control him. Barry doesn't seem to know how to say "fuck off," so he takes on the mission of teaching Wally West not to be so urban.

Victim #2: The Trickster! Counting forward time-wise! I think Weather Wizard still needs to die.

The Trickster doesn't actually become one of The Flash's victims. The Flash is actually saving him from killing himself after his change robots accidentally kill a baby. But then The Flash risks the entire world by telling The Trickster that he can change! NO! Enough with the puns, Barry! They're tearing space/time apart!

Speaking of space/time, Barry has just about had enough of it. It's nearly 3 PM when Wally and his friends are meant to rob some place. So The Flash heads off at superspeed only to realize, after only a few moments of time have passed from his perspective, that it's already eight past three and Wally and his dumb friends have been caught by the police.

I have to say I like the idea of dealing with the special theory of relativity in The Flash but it also kind of ruins the character, doesn't it? The faster he runs, the later he always is to everything!

Not you too, Wally! I can feel space/time crumbling all around me! Stop punning already!

Later, Barry solves the case of the guy that Iris calls Mashup. It's Detective Seborn who was assigned to the case! Oh noes! Not a dirty cop in Central City?! He must have transferred over from Gotham.

The Flash #33 Rating: No change. I mean, there was some change! Flying robot change! And then the Trickster changed. And then a whole bunch of punning happened. And then the issue ended with the title, "A Step Behind." OH HOLY MOTHER OF GOD! THAT'S A PUN AS WELL! EVERYBODY KISS YOUR ASS GOODBYE!

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