Friday, January 11, 2013

New Guardians Annual #1

So I guess this annual is happening.

I didn't think January would have any Annuals since DC forgot to advertise them in December's comic books. Plus only two comic books came out the day after Christmas leaving the last week of Issue Fifteens to come out the first week of January. Which caused me to believe they were going to skip the whole "put out a bunch of Annuals in the months with five Wednesdays" thing they were doing.

As you can see, I was wrong. Since this doesn't have a Rise of the Third Army tag on it, I guess it's going to be a stand alone story. Or maybe this will be the issue Kyle learns how to love. It looks like he's doing a pretty good job on the cover since Indigo 1 told him earlier that you can't have love without rage! That's so true! Especially if you love me, you fucking cunt!

Oh and look! That asshat Keith Giffen is writing this comic book! Where the fuck has he been lately? Probably blowing Dan DiDio while shoving his thumb up Geoff Johns ass. God I love DC! BUT THEY MAKE ME SO ANGRY!

The fucking Annual begins on Tolerance, a Transmetropolitan rip-off. Speaking of rip-offs, five fucking dollars for an annual! Now I have to waste my time reading an extra-length book when I could be wasting my time reading a normal length book. God. All I do is read comic books now! Stupid, goddamned fucking shitty-ass comic books! Don't get me wrong! I love it! I love every minute of it! BUT THEY MAKE ME SO ANGRY!

Here are some guys. I think they're in that reality show from Blue Beetle #15. They're shooting some other fucking guy. Write your own damn joke.

Over on Yaru Prime, Arkillo and Saint Walker are hanging out checking in on the devastation left behind by The Third Army. Saint Walker and Arkillo have become the bestest of friends since you can't have fear without hope. That actually kind of makes sense, dammit! Fucking comic book can't even get it right when I'm trying to mock it! Stop making sense, you stupid Rainbow Lantern Corps that have never made sense ever except the one time I try to be sarcastic about them! Fuck you, goose tits!

People are constantly asking me what tattoo I would get if I were to get a tattoo. Now I know! I'd tattoo my penis with Saint Walker's face!

Meanwhile Kyle Rayner and Carol Ferris are completely lost. They've arrived on Zamaron in Space Sector 1654 but my notes say it's located in Space Sector 1416. Looking online, I see Space Sector 1416 is where it's supposed to be. What the fuck is wrong with you, Keith Giffen!? Are you placing it in Pre-Crises Reckoning since you've been around so fucking long? But you know what? That's not Giffen's job! He just writes the jokes and the dialogues and the wacky, crazy crap. Editor Joey Cavalieri and Assistant Editor Kate Stewart should have caught this one. Now my entire night is ruined! I need a fucking drink.

I think there's probably a joke in the fact that Kyle Rayner was allowed to land on Zamaron which is currently gender restricted. Fuck if I can make that funny though.

Hey! Let's take a commercial break since we still have a whole lot of Annual Goodness to get through! Maybe it'll give me a chance to catch my breath and down a couple of anti-depressants with my sake. Read this while I medicate.

OH MY GOD NO! NO! If I'm doing any good at all with these commentaries, y'all will know better than to buy this used piece of toilet paper! I cannot believe DC has the gall to sell this trade paperback! You know what they're doing here? YOU DO KNOW, RIGHT?! They're calling Superboy and Teen Titans fans SUCKERS! "We're DC and we can sell the Superboy Fandom anything! Hey look what I did? I gave Superboy a guest appearance in this public toilet bowl I just ruined with my massive bowel movement! I bet the Superboy fans will line up for a nice look at this mess!" Look at that list of A-List writers! Tom DeFalco! Scott Lobdell! Howard Mackie! Whoo boy! And notice the best quote they could find from Comic Book Resources? See that? Read it to yourself. How'd it sound in your own head? It comes off as SARCASTIC, doesn't it!? I can hear the disgust dripping from the Comic Book Resources hack that had to utter those words! Although it really is true! Brett Booth and Pete Woods carry this fucking book. If there's anything good to be had, it's definitely visual! Until you get to RB Silva's people that all look like the exact same guy (even the women) just wearing different wigs. Fuck. The UNMITIGATED gall of DC to collect these stories into one stinking volume! And don't mistake this rage for love, you fuck nuggets! OH MAN! If you misunderstand me now after all we've been through, I'll never type another word at you ever! This rage isn't a joke about rage and love being equal or the same thing or needing each other or whatever! THIS IS PURE HATRED!

And now back to our regularly scheduled annual!

All this time I thought he was going to fuck Carol to learn the ways of Love. But I guess this is the Star Sapphire version of Kilowog. Buckle up, Earth Man!

Arkillo and Saint Walker turn up because you can't have raging love without hopeful fear. This is beginning to get a bit too weird and rape fantasyey for me. I guess since Green Light all by itself is masturbation, you need the proper balance of light to the left and right of it to get a healthy, sexual relationship. Right now the union is a bit lopsided. Hope and Fear balance each other out but don't change the dynamic much. That's a relationship just beginning, hopeful and fearful at the same time. But because it's just started, it's still mostly jerking off in the sheets after a night of heavy petting gone to nowheresville. The next step of the relationship would be Compassion and Selfishness. You need to meet the needs of both you and your partner, careful not to swing too far to one side or the other. This is the really great wooing time. The chemistry hits a high point here as both sides are really getting what they need. And then a full fledged adult relationship when Love and Rage enter the picture! You only truly hate the one you love! Or something. I guess my philosophy of Lantern Light Masturbation Politics breaks down here. Or I just haven't given it enough thought. I guess this could be the part of the relationship where it's over and both parties know it but they keep at it, spiraling ever closer to the inevitable end of it all as they bitterly hate each other and then express their love and then hate the other one for doing that thing they do but then love them so much for doing that other thing and then fuck you, you asshole, wash a fucking dish once in awhile and then I'm so sorry, honey, you make me crazy and then your cat is a fucking vomiting mess and don't you talk about my cat that way and get out of my fucking house and thank you so much for making dinner, sweetie, and do you want to go for a walk and OH MY GOD I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DID THAT A*G*A*I*N! Um. You know how that goes.

Sheesh. I look away for one second and they get up to some weird nonsense.

I don't know what these two asshats are talking about. Have you ever noticed that about Keith Giffen's writing? That prick fills every character with quick comebacks and witty zingers. And he's so Goddamned subtle that you have to reread his dialogue two or three times sometimes to get the gist of what the fucking characters are talking about. Of course the characters are following right along with each other! Not once does one of them stop and scratch their head and say, "What the fuck are you talking about?" That really should have been every fifth speech bubble in Giffen's early 2000 run of Suicide Squad.

Deadshot: "Did you catch a whiff of that tool box?"
Killer Frost: "Reminded me of pot roast served with heroin and hashish salt and pepper shakers."
Sgt. Frank Rock: "You shake that box often, Frost?"
Killer Frost: "You mean Deadshot's?"
Major Disaster: "What the fuck are you talking about?"

While Kyle trains with female Kilowog, Carol, Arkillo, and Saint Walker head out on a mission to piss off Lady Styx and the Tenebrian Dominion. Why it needs to be done has been very hush hush so far. Or else they explained it in one of the quick back and forths between Carol and the head Zamaron. Fucking Giffen! Oh wait. This new guy will explain it all! I think. Fucking Giffen!

Yes! An Amish Green Lantern! I don't think he should be wearing jewelry, right?

This Amish Green Lantern hangs out with a bunch of no good losers called the Star Rovers. Since Keith Giffen is writing this comic book and he's going to be at the helm of Threshold, I'm fairly certain these guys will be recurring cast members. I bet they're all just so zany you can't even believe it! And they probably riff off of each other super quick!

These Star Rovers have been assigned to smuggle the Lanterns and Sapphire into the Tenebrian Dominion so that they can speak with Lady Styx into battling the Third Army with the Lantern Corps. She might not agree at first but once all of her people begin turning into Borg Lanterns, she'll start fighting with the Lanterns whether she wants to or not. I guess the real fucking trick is getting her to fight with them before they're all dead. Or assimilated.

The Rovers manage to get Carol Ferris inside and then decide to make a little cash off of her by handing her over to the Hunted Reality Show's talent scouts. I think that was what it was called. Hunted. I guess they're mercenaries who always keep their word but will twist that word to their benefit whenever they get the chance. After dumping her off, they head out to bring Arkillo and Saint Walker as well.

But that doesn't work out so well for them. Serves them right. I'm sick of DC Mercenaries and Bounty Hunters that "always keep their word" or "always deliver." How about a Bounty Hunter that has been known to catch some of the biggest scores in the Universe but sometimes really, really, really fucks up the job. Take your chances, you know?

Later, Carol Ferris ends up on The Hunted and I have to read about people watching television! Now I want to watch television! Reading is annoying! Why doesn't someone just talk it all right in my ear? Boy, I love television! But I hate that it sucks my life force away! But man I can't get enough of it! And then I lie in the dark weeping about the things I could have been doing. But television is so much easier than doing those things! And probably more entertaining. Life is boring. You know when people say, "You couldn't write something like that?" Those people are idiots. Of course you can! Shut up and go read a fucking book!

Carol Ferris gets one rotation of the planet free from being hunted. It's like the scariest game of hide and seek you'll ever play! Unless you play Hitori Kakurenbo! Before The Hunting begins, Lady Styx comes out of the shadows to speak with Carol.

Goddammit! It's one in the morning and I'm tucked away in my tiny office in a dark house and I just had to reread that fucking Hitori Kakurenbo shit! Japan, why do you always know exactly how to scare the fucking pants off of me?

Lady Styx leaves and Jediah, Arkillo, and Walker show up to save her. They're getting ready to hitch a lift from some mouthy twat named Rokko when Walker uses his ring and alerts everybody on the fucking planet to his presence. That's because there's this thing called Smart Dust all over the world that detects Lantern Light. It probably also detects Blue Beetle farts but they already caught him. I wonder if his The Hunted show has already aired or if it was preempted by Star Sapphire's show?

Good news! Everybody escapes except Jediah! Arkillo knocks him cold and shoves him out of the ship because he's an asshole. The he is ambiguous for a reason.

Even though Jediah is captured and going to end up on The Hunted going against the Crimson Thrust (probably in Threshold #1), Rokko's ship and everyone in it manage to escape into nonexistent space.

There are only 3600 Space Sectors. Unless those sectors have a limit at the inside edge of a sphere and then sectors begin past that in concentric spheres or something, Sector 9008 doesn't exist.

Thankfully this non-existent sector is right next door to Zamaron's sector (you know? 1416! Unless it was 1654?). Everyone heads to Zamaron to see how Kyle is doing with his love training. Except for, you know, Jediah. He's kind of tied up! HAR HAR! Did I win the prize for the one millionth time that joke has been told?

Wait a second! I was just tricked into reading the prologue to Threshold?! Fuck you, DC! How dare you!

Green Lantern New Guardians Annual #1 Rating: I don't rate these fucking things, remember?!


  1. I personally am not surprised by the shilling/pimping of such a shitty trade collection. It's the corporate way you know.

    The same with the generic praise they had to doctor up as well.

    I usually like Giffin's writing, especially his JL and Doom Patrol runs, but he can write some stinkers, like this one and his Suicide Squad run. Both you and Shlomo really hate those issues it seems.

    I thought the idea of a female/hermaphroditic Killowog is funny as fuck, and reminds of the female(I think?) guard from Superjail.
    I really hope Kyle does't have to learn "love" from shim. I won't wish that on worst enemy....or would I?;)

    1. I actually really like the way Giffen writes. And I enjoyed his run on Suicide Squad. But I'm pretty much the 1% who did, I think. I liked that he had a completely different take on it and I wish it would have gone longer. I think his long haul story on that title could have been really good.

      I love the way he makes characters banter. I think he has a really good knack for it although I point out the pitfalls of his technique in my sort-of-rage-induced criticism here.

      I'll always give Giffen the benefit of the doubt and I'm looking forward to Threshold on Wednesday.

  2. Here's hoping then. OH, and that Hitori Kakurenbo stuff is pure crazy. The type of crazy I might add, that you'll only find in Japan,or other like-minded Asian countries;)
