Friday, June 24, 2016

Wonder Woman #1

Who is the corpse? Etta Candy?

The Review!
The story is currently concentrating on the "wonder" part of Wonder Woman's name as she wanders about her business completely confused about her past. Unless the "wonder" manifests in no Narration Boxes so the reader has to "wonder" what Wonder Woman is actually thinking. The lack of Narration Boxes alone makes this comic book worth reading. Here's a tip that I've given before but I should probably remind people of it a lot: the best writers don't rely on Narration Boxes. Sure, they may use them but when they do, it's for a particular effect and not just as explication to make sure the reader understands the story. People complain when a computer role playing game is "on rails" because it takes away a sense of freedom or autonomy from the user. Narration Boxes are like comic books on rails. They tell you what to think and how you should feel. They take away any ambiguity and what is art without ambiguity? It's a sham, that's what! That's why my reviews are full of ambiguity! Because it's art! The reader is left to wonder: Is Tess really this stupid? Or is Tess even stupider than it appears? You'll never know! Because art! Also, I like where this comic book is headed. It's taking its time which is a good thing! I mean, that's not always a good thing. Sometimes that's just a writer padding out twenty pages to expand a story to six issues when the story really should be told in two issues. This story takes its time because we're learning how patient Wonder Woman is. She's seeking out Cheetah but she's trying to do it in a peaceful way. How good is that?! Instead of twenty pages of Wonder Woman fighting Cheetah until they finally stop to speak at the end, it's twenty pages of Wonder Woman carefully approaching Cheetah and ensuring Cheetah that she doesn't want to fight. Come on! Who takes that kind of approach with a super hero?! Especially when they absolutely should take that approach! Like with invulnerable and powerful heroes like Superman and Wonder Woman! I mean, I understand if Batman has to sneak in and punch Cheetah in the throat before talking to her. Because if he didn't, he'd be torn to shreds!

No wait! Batman was a bad example! He would never be torn to shreds even when he totally should be. Maybe I should have said Green Arrow or Blue Beetle.

The Commentary!
I spent a good portion of my morning reading through my Twitter feed which is full of British comedians. You know things are bad when they're not really making jokes but tweeting kind-of-humorous resignations about the horror of voting for Britain to leave the European Union. Some of them were downright serious! You know political decisions are generally okay if maybe a little backwards when comedians fire off jokes about them. But how often do you hear people cracking wise just before drowning? You wait until you're back on land before you start making jokes about your near death experience! Americans probably don't know enough about, well, anything but especially about any other foreign country so it'll be hard to get them to understand that whatever happens in Britain from this point on is what will happen in this country if you let the Tea Party have any kind of power (I mean, we've already seen this in Kansas and that hasn't really been a warning, has it? Although I suppose if you're an American, you don't just not know about other countries; you don't know about states other than your own as well). I suppose that's what happens when you let ignorant white people vote on an important economic issue which they think is really about keeping the brown people out of their country. What do we have representative republics for if the people who are supposed to know better decide to pass the vote on to the mostly ignorant and uncaring public? At that point, you just have people voting based on whichever group can make them too scared of the other possibility taking place. I would like to say I hope things work out better than I thought they would work out if Britain stays but you only have to look at the people backing Brexit to know that won't be true: Nigel Farage and UKIP. You can read about them on Wikipedia if you want to be kind of bored while doing so. Or you can binge watch a bunch of British panel shows if you want to be thoroughly entertained while "learning."

I would like to think well of Scotland voting to remain but I have a feeling they have just as many dumb people as every other country. It's just their dumb people were still convinced of "Better Together" from the last batch of propaganda with which they were deluged. I bet a good portion of them were confused that they were having to vote to "remain" again.

I'm an American myself so I really don't know as much as I'd like to think I do. Like I sort of hinted at, everything I learned about the United Kingdom, I learned from watching Mock the WeekQI8 out of 10 Cats8 Out of 10 Cats Does CountdownWould I Lie To You?You Have Been Watching, and probably a bunch of other panel shows I'm forgetting. I'm not sure how much I've learned from sitcoms like Peep ShowFresh MeatThe In-Betweeners, and all the older ones like The Young Ones or Red Dwarf, but I'm sure it was something! Or sketch shows like Mitchell and Webb or Fry and Laurie or Dave Allen At Large or that one with those guys in the circus. Would I learn more if I watched more Graham Norton or would I only learn how to get celebrities to prank people on the street?

I just tried to leave my Gmail account too quickly and it asked "Leave" or "Stay" and I chose leave! Now I feel complicit in Brexit!

Anyway, enough about real world bullshit that doesn't really matter. Let's read a comic book!

Wonder Woman is still suffering from Comic Book Spongiform Encephalopathy. Luckily that isn't as terminal as it's bovine-related cousin. Comic book characters contract this disease constantly! Sometimes it's due to an editorially mandated change in the character. Sometimes it's a complete retooling of the universe in which the character lives. Sometimes it's just due to a new writer hating everything the previous writer wrote and deciding to change it all up. Most of the time, though, the character doesn't realize there's been any change. But Wonder Woman now remembers everything that's every happened to her. So maybe she's not suffering from Comic Book Spongifrom Encephalopathy at all! Maybe she's finally been cured of it!

Wonder Woman has gone to Africa in search of Cheetah to find some answers. Steve Trevor is also in the vicinity on a mission for Commander Etta Candy. Is she running ARGUS now? Or is this a brand new covert secret black organization? Why am I asking you? I should keep reading the comic book.

New 52 Superman is dead so we can get the ball rolling on this romance again. Or the Etta/Diana romance. Whichever. Both maybe?

Diana is attacked by a bunch of Hyena-men while searching for Cheetah which means maybe she isn't searching for Cheetah at all? Could she be looking for Cassandra? No, no. Diana calls her a friend at one point. I don't remember Cheetah ever running with a pack of Hyena-men but then I'm not really much of a Wonder Woman scholar. Or reader. Or have ever had much interest in her at all. I don't blame the character. I just blame the writers who were writing her back when I was first getting into comic books.

Steve Trevor is hunting somebody named Cadulo. It's just a coincidence that he's in the same part of the world as Wonder Woman. Unless it isn't!

Wonder Woman is hunting Cheetah. It's just a coincidence that she's in the same part of the world as Steve Trevor. Unless it isn't! By the end of the issue, Wonder Woman finds Cheetah. But Steve is still looking for Cadulo who has stolen all of the daughters of a village he visits. Maybe that has something to do with Amazons? The stories have to entwine at some point, right?

I wonder if a laser pointer could be used to distract Cheetah? What about a gigantic Sticky Hand? My cat Judas was addicted to those things! So much so that I could get him inside at night by simply standing at the door opening and closing the little plastic bubble they were sold in out of those quarter toy dispensers at the exits of grocery stores.

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