If you pull the tab quickly, they look like they're clubbing.
Heck, if you pull the tab slowly, it looks like they're jerking off their bo staves at a furious pace. The only way to make the image look somewhat normally animated is to pull the tab so slowly that I might as well just look at three panels side by side and let my brain fill in the movement. Perhaps that's why these covers never really took off. Plus they make the comic book awkward to read. Can you see the way the cover puckers in the scan? It's thick as shit! Hmm, maybe I should be more creative with my similes. It's as thick as your first cousin's son (which is also your son because you're both from West Virginia).
I don't know if West Virginia has a higher incidence of incest than any other state but if you've got to be known for something, why not incest? Better than being known for homophobia or xenophobia or whatever stupid shit Alabama has done this week. Probably made it illegal for men to pee while sitting down.
The other problem with these covers is that they just don't work. The insert has a lot of slack on the edges allowing the image to tilt as you pull it which means you see half of The Huntress and half of Robin and a title that reads, "Hunbin". So here's the second cover while not in the stupid sleeve.
I don't know if West Virginia has a higher incidence of incest than any other state but if you've got to be known for something, why not incest? Better than being known for homophobia or xenophobia or whatever stupid shit Alabama has done this week. Probably made it illegal for men to pee while sitting down.
The other problem with these covers is that they just don't work. The insert has a lot of slack on the edges allowing the image to tilt as you pull it which means you see half of The Huntress and half of Robin and a title that reads, "Hunbin". So here's the second cover while not in the stupid sleeve.

Mostly because I couldn't get the stupid fucking thing back in the sleeve!
This might be the worst cover technology ever invented.
I'm so angry at the cover that it's going to hamper any possible joy I may have found in this story. Sure, it was only a small chance that I'd find joy in it anyway. But now? Zero chance!
When we last left Robin, his dick was just about to get him killed by a Russian dick with a tiny dick.
I'm so angry at the cover that it's going to hamper any possible joy I may have found in this story. Sure, it was only a small chance that I'd find joy in it anyway. But now? Zero chance!
When we last left Robin, his dick was just about to get him killed by a Russian dick with a tiny dick.

If you had a massive dick, you wouldn't need such a big gun replacing your castrated hand. Also his pants are as flat as Olive Oyl's ironing board.
Oh! Did Batman cause KGBeast to symbolically castrate himself when he trapped him in the desert by his arm? Was it a desert? Maybe it was a jungle.
The way KGBeast speaks, I'm wondering if Russian Bizarro isn't under that mask.
I just thought up a great insult to use on Chuck Dixon when he writes something really terrible! I hope it happens soon or I might forget it!
Should I clarify how Tim's dick was getting him killed? Well, he wouldn't be hear about to be murdered by KGBeast if he hadn't met the cutest little cutie in Little Odessa earlier that day. He was trying to spy on her through her bedroom window when the Russian mob attacked her father's print shop.
The way KGBeast speaks, I'm wondering if Russian Bizarro isn't under that mask.
I just thought up a great insult to use on Chuck Dixon when he writes something really terrible! I hope it happens soon or I might forget it!
Should I clarify how Tim's dick was getting him killed? Well, he wouldn't be hear about to be murdered by KGBeast if he hadn't met the cutest little cutie in Little Odessa earlier that day. He was trying to spy on her through her bedroom window when the Russian mob attacked her father's print shop.

This is embarrassing but at least he didn't accidentally pop out the corkscrew attachment.
Do you think this panel was cooler in Dixon's script than it wound up being in the panel? "KGBeast looms over the new Robin (ask editorial what his name is; I keep writing "Jason Todd") with his massive gun where his hand should be. Robin pisses himself looking at the size of the bore on the barrel, realizing Batman will never recognize what's left of him. But then a surprising turn! A massive, razor sharp blade swings out of the side of the gun! It's a gun knife! Jason now shits himself too! A fucking knife in a gun! Maybe next issue, KGBeast will launch a shark with rabies out of the top of it! I'm so fucking turned on, Tom! Draw the shit out that, man!" And then Tom is all, "Does that look like a gun? That kind of looks like a gun hand, right? Now for the massive blade! Hmm. What does 'massive' mean? I could look it up or I could just assume it means stumpy and unimpressive!"
KGBeast misses with the knife, merely cutting Tim's bo staff in two. After that one failed swing, he seems to remember his knife is also a gun and decides maybe that's the better way to go.
KGBeast misses with the knife, merely cutting Tim's bo staff in two. After that one failed swing, he seems to remember his knife is also a gun and decides maybe that's the better way to go.

No time to spare?! That's at least the fourth time you've threatened to end Tim. And Tim just continues standing around waiting for it to happen!
Being Russian technology, KGBeast's arm rifle is bolt action. Maybe KGBeast was trying to load a cartridge and he pulled the wrong lever earlier. So when the knife popped out, he was all, "Oh, um, I am being going to being cut you into pieces with the knife being popped out of my gun which I being meant to do!" But he didn't really want to stab Robin. He wanted to explode his head. So now he's getting back to that.
Before KGBeast can shoot Robin in the face, obliterating it, Robin's lady's dad shoots KGBeast in the back with his bolt action rifle. It's bolt action rifles all the way down in Little, Odessa. Semi-automatics are for lazy capitalists.
Before KGBeast can shoot Robin in the face, obliterating it, Robin's lady's dad shoots KGBeast in the back with his bolt action rifle. It's bolt action rifles all the way down in Little, Odessa. Semi-automatics are for lazy capitalists.

Maybe load another cartridge in the chamber instead of screaming at him, dude.
Since KGBeast currently has a bullet all ready to go, he shoots Papa in the dick and he spits up yellow ichor as he dies. Does that mean he's probably an alien or was it just a color separation issue? I'm hoping aliens and not because I love sci-fi stories. Remember, this story stars the Huntress and if there are aliens, there might be some anal probes!
The Russian goons throw Ariana, the cute Russian teen Tim's lusting for, into a car and drive away with her. Robin realizes that he's already disobeyed Batman, drugged his dad, and maybe possibly technically got Ariana's father killed. So he figures what the fuck. He's basically got nothing left to lose tonight.
The Russian goons throw Ariana, the cute Russian teen Tim's lusting for, into a car and drive away with her. Robin realizes that he's already disobeyed Batman, drugged his dad, and maybe possibly technically got Ariana's father killed. So he figures what the fuck. He's basically got nothing left to lose tonight.

So he fucks a car.
I don't know if the first thing I would have done is fuck a car if I suddenly felt like my life was swinging wildly out of control due to all the bad decisions I'd made lately. It just seems like another bad decision. But then I'm a long way off from being a horny teenager too. Hell, I probably would have fucked a car if everything in my life was going aces at fifteen!
Ariana probably felt a moment of comfort when she thought Tim was diving on the car to save her and then she heard the pounding and moaning and was all, "Wait. Is he fucking this car?" And, being a teenager, she was really into it. If she, being in her bathrobe and possibly nothing else, began to masturbate in the back of the car with two grown men beside her, could they be arrested for some kind of sex crime? If I were one of them, just to be on the safe side, I'd throw myself out of the car as soon as I realized what she was doing, screaming, "I didn't get a boner at all!" Although it might take me awhile to notice what she's doing because I have no idea how women pleasure themselves. I would be all, "She sure does itch down there!" Then I'd suddenly be all, "Oh my god! She's making counterclockwise motions around her belly button for sexual pleasure! I can't be a part of this! YAAARGH! I didn't get a boner at all!" Ha ha! If that isn't how women masturbate, I was only joking! Ha ha! Got you!
When Robin finishes all over the car hood, he grabs his semen and slaps it across the windshield so the driver has to quickly break lest he crash the car and kill them all!
Ariana probably felt a moment of comfort when she thought Tim was diving on the car to save her and then she heard the pounding and moaning and was all, "Wait. Is he fucking this car?" And, being a teenager, she was really into it. If she, being in her bathrobe and possibly nothing else, began to masturbate in the back of the car with two grown men beside her, could they be arrested for some kind of sex crime? If I were one of them, just to be on the safe side, I'd throw myself out of the car as soon as I realized what she was doing, screaming, "I didn't get a boner at all!" Although it might take me awhile to notice what she's doing because I have no idea how women pleasure themselves. I would be all, "She sure does itch down there!" Then I'd suddenly be all, "Oh my god! She's making counterclockwise motions around her belly button for sexual pleasure! I can't be a part of this! YAAARGH! I didn't get a boner at all!" Ha ha! If that isn't how women masturbate, I was only joking! Ha ha! Got you!
When Robin finishes all over the car hood, he grabs his semen and slaps it across the windshield so the driver has to quickly break lest he crash the car and kill them all!

Is this another color separation issue or does Tim have an infection in his prostate?
The car crashes into a street light and luckily doesn't kill Ariana. It also doesn't kill any of the Russians or KGBeast. KGBeast does get caught up in his seat belt though and has to cut off another arm. I also notice Ariana got dressed while she was being kidnapped. It's also possible that her top, looking so robe-like in one panel, made me think she was in a bathrobe but she never was. But it's also possible that she was in a bathrobe and after I turned the page, time Mandela'd out on me and I'm now in another dimension. Ha ha! I'm just kidding again! Imagine being both so clueless and narcissistic that you'd rather think the past was changed instead of believing that you made a mistake of perception or because you believed that some phrase that became shorthand for a line in a movie was actually the line in the movie and then heard the real line and were all, "Oh fuck! It's so fucking close to what I thought it was but barely different and I could understand that people were saying it the different way because it was more lyrical or easier to do but I'd rather believe that I've experienced a shift in the time continuum!" Ha ha! I would never be that pathetically stupid! Can you think of anybody who would be?!

The American youth are decadent because they fuck cars. In Russia, cars fu...no. No! Stop it, you moron. You're better than that!
KGBeast and the Russians carjack a Gotham bus. The passengers all flee but I'm not sure if they keep the driver. Tim gives up at this point because he's spent from fucking the car and just can't get it up for a whole bus. Plus he forgot he needs to spend a few pages fighting a Chinatown street gang named the Ghost Dragons. He gets his dick kicked off by them and needs to be rescued by another vigilante he doesn't recognize.

At least he didn't say, "A female." I would have said, "A wo-wo-wo-woman!"
For some reason, Batman hasn't told Robin about The Huntress. She's a little bit butthurt about it but she saves his butt anyway. For the first time ever, instead of just beating people up for no reason because one hero saw another hero beating people up, she asks Robin, "You have any special reason why you want to hang around here?" And he's all, "No." And she's all, "Hang on to me. We're out of here!" And he's all, "Oh no! I did another bloody orgasm in my underwear because I touched a woman for the first time!" And The Huntress is all, "What's that smell? Do you eight-day old Arby's in your pants?"
Anyway the Ghost Dragons are pissed that they didn't kill Robin immediately and now they have to wait for Robin IV: Cry of the Little Russian Girl. Ariana's crying because Tim ejaculates prematurely and she can't get any satisfaction and also it smells like rotting roast beef with horsey sauce. So she starts dating Lynx, the hot one-eyed member of the Ghost Dragons who is also a lady and who just kicked Robin's ass. That's the series where you get the famous panel of Batman thinking, "Where did I find this pathetic fucking loser?" while looking at Tim sitting in his crusty underwear and crying.
Robin and The Huntress realize their investigations are probably linked since Robin just watched KGBeast kill the owner of a printshop and The Huntress found some Russians with a briefcase full of blank paper. They're probably going to print up some Communist Manifestos! Ew! It makes me (and The Huntress!) so angry to think people might be distributing pamphlets full of free information! The two decide to meet up at midnight the next night. Robin heads home without once thinking, "Should I report the murder of Ariana's father and tell them exactly who's responsible and maybe be a witness and possibly help justice along?" He just thinks, "That Huntress smelled nice and felt soft!" Also, I guess they're not that worried about Ariana's safety?! Dude, Tim! Who cares if Batman's going to be mad at you! You need to tell him immediately about this kidnapping so he can save Ariana!
I bet Tim is less afraid at Batman punishing him for going out at night on his own and more afraid that Batman is going to kiss Ariana and maybe touch her butt a little bit.
Also, I guess the Ghost Dragons get to share this mini-series. Maybe that's why it's six issues! Lynx heads back to her boss, King Snake or Dragon Man or something, and tells him what's happening on the streets while he nurses his broken dick.
Anyway the Ghost Dragons are pissed that they didn't kill Robin immediately and now they have to wait for Robin IV: Cry of the Little Russian Girl. Ariana's crying because Tim ejaculates prematurely and she can't get any satisfaction and also it smells like rotting roast beef with horsey sauce. So she starts dating Lynx, the hot one-eyed member of the Ghost Dragons who is also a lady and who just kicked Robin's ass. That's the series where you get the famous panel of Batman thinking, "Where did I find this pathetic fucking loser?" while looking at Tim sitting in his crusty underwear and crying.
Robin and The Huntress realize their investigations are probably linked since Robin just watched KGBeast kill the owner of a printshop and The Huntress found some Russians with a briefcase full of blank paper. They're probably going to print up some Communist Manifestos! Ew! It makes me (and The Huntress!) so angry to think people might be distributing pamphlets full of free information! The two decide to meet up at midnight the next night. Robin heads home without once thinking, "Should I report the murder of Ariana's father and tell them exactly who's responsible and maybe be a witness and possibly help justice along?" He just thinks, "That Huntress smelled nice and felt soft!" Also, I guess they're not that worried about Ariana's safety?! Dude, Tim! Who cares if Batman's going to be mad at you! You need to tell him immediately about this kidnapping so he can save Ariana!
I bet Tim is less afraid at Batman punishing him for going out at night on his own and more afraid that Batman is going to kiss Ariana and maybe touch her butt a little bit.
Also, I guess the Ghost Dragons get to share this mini-series. Maybe that's why it's six issues! Lynx heads back to her boss, King Snake or Dragon Man or something, and tells him what's happening on the streets while he nurses his broken dick.

I'm assuming she was about to say, "The woman who broke your dick." What else could it have been?!
KGBeast returns to his boss, Commie Tsar, with news of his failure. Commie Tsar slaps him in the face in front of all the other men so that probably means he'll be dead in a few issues and KGBeast will be running the show. Until then, he's benched KGBeast while his other idiot henchmen run the counterfeiting ring. Now they have to find a new printer! Plus, Commie Tsar just tells them to kill the girl because he doesn't have any use for her. Oops!
The next day, Tim Drake falls asleep in the library and gets hauled off to talk with his counselor about all the time he's been spending with Bruce Wayne. She also points out that since he's been hanging out with Bruce, he's constantly covered in bruises, cuts, scrapes, and bloody jizz. He can't think of an excuse that wouldn't make Bruce look like a violent pedo which seems odd and slightly naïve. Explaining away Bruce's interest in Tim should have been the first thing Bruce and Tim came up with! I guess people were less suspicious of pedos in 1993. "Oh, yeah. That 40 year old guy at the end of the block where all the kids hang out? He's probably cool! At least he gives our kids free snacks, you know?" But not Miss Hollingsworth! She's a trained school counselor and she knows physical abuse when she sees it! She's going to get to the bottom of this and Bruce Wayne is going to get arrested and then all the real pedos in power in Gotham will make it look like a suicide in his jail cell!
Robin III: Cry of the Huntress #2 Rating: B+. It was fine. But that cover. Man. That fucking cover! It's all stiff and gappy at the same time. It's puckered all over the place and it makes crinkly sounds while you're trying to read. And the worst part is that it barely does anything and it does it completely poorly too! I hope whoever came up with this idea accidentally fell in a septic tank.
Anyway. I've been rewatching every episode of 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown. During one intermission, they had the following teaser and I realized my blog name is sort of incomplete for my British readers!
The next day, Tim Drake falls asleep in the library and gets hauled off to talk with his counselor about all the time he's been spending with Bruce Wayne. She also points out that since he's been hanging out with Bruce, he's constantly covered in bruises, cuts, scrapes, and bloody jizz. He can't think of an excuse that wouldn't make Bruce look like a violent pedo which seems odd and slightly naïve. Explaining away Bruce's interest in Tim should have been the first thing Bruce and Tim came up with! I guess people were less suspicious of pedos in 1993. "Oh, yeah. That 40 year old guy at the end of the block where all the kids hang out? He's probably cool! At least he gives our kids free snacks, you know?" But not Miss Hollingsworth! She's a trained school counselor and she knows physical abuse when she sees it! She's going to get to the bottom of this and Bruce Wayne is going to get arrested and then all the real pedos in power in Gotham will make it look like a suicide in his jail cell!
Robin III: Cry of the Huntress #2 Rating: B+. It was fine. But that cover. Man. That fucking cover! It's all stiff and gappy at the same time. It's puckered all over the place and it makes crinkly sounds while you're trying to read. And the worst part is that it barely does anything and it does it completely poorly too! I hope whoever came up with this idea accidentally fell in a septic tank.
Anyway. I've been rewatching every episode of 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown. During one intermission, they had the following teaser and I realized my blog name is sort of incomplete for my British readers!

So my blog name is an anagram for hesitate?!