Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Deathstroke #13

Harley Quinn is only on the cover to remind Harley fans to buy this issue since nobody else will.

Rating: -1 Ranking. Deathstroke's vacation to Belle Reve proves to be a wild goose chase (I should probably look up the etymology of that cliche if I'm going to use it. Is it because wild geese are impossible to chase down? Or is it because you can't chase a wild goose because the motherfucking goose winds up chasing you and breaking your fucking arm with its insane wrath? What are they so angry about?!). You can read the trip to Belle Reve as part of the overall planned plot or you can read it for what it probably was: the whim of a crappy writer. What it almost definitely was was a ploy to sell more copies by bringing Harley back into the story. What it almost certainly isn't is Slade Wilson showing signs of caring for his daughter Rose. His life would be better if he just stopped trying to convince himself that he loves his kids. He really doesn't. He still thinks he named his son Jericho.

Slade's really nemesis has yet to reveal himself but he's forcing Rose to work with him so that they can break Slade. Yes, you read that right. Yet again another villain who doesn't so much want to kill his adversary but break him. Always with the fucking breaking people! Why is "breaking" someone more satisfying than killing them?! Just fucking end them when you have the chance! Stop dilly-dallying!

That would not be a good name for a group of super-villains: The Dilly-Dalliers. Apt, maybe, but not good.

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