Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Team Titans #1: Nightrider

Just like Terra, Nightrider got his powers by having somebody else's DNA injected into him. So two people got powers that way? That pisses me off. I've never gotten powers from somebody's DNA entering me. And I've had a lot of DNA inside of me!

This is one of those origin stories that is so self-evident that it could be told in a couple of panels but Marv Wolfman loves to hear himself write. So instead of Dagon telling somebody, "Oh yeah! I'm a vampire. You know. Transylvania. Dracula. Injection of DNA," he Narration Boxes things like "Above me a ghost moon heralded its new son, although then I could not understand its solemn, pale stare. You simply can't know what I've become. The human mind succumbs to aphasic gibberings when dealing with such...impossibilities." Marv Wolfman writes like Lovecraft without the intense lyrical quality. When I read Lovecraft, I want to write something emotional and important. When I read Marv Wolfman, I want to write a suicide note.

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