Thursday, April 25, 2013

Supergirl #19

Power Girl is angry that the focal point of this cover is Supergirl's crotch instead of Power Girl's boobs. Even with her old costume on!

The first thing I did after checking out the not very surprising cover because it's just following the previous issue's story arc was look up the inside credits for the comic book to make sure DC wasn't lying to me for the second month in a row. Thankfully, Mike Johnson and Mahmud Asrar really are back on the comic book! That means we can all look forward to a cute little picture of Supergirl's bum at the end of this commentary. Go ahead. You can scroll down and take a peak before continuing. I won't continue without you.

Now that that is taken care of, let's see how much of last month's issue Mike Johnson ignores. I bet Stupid Lava Girl doesn't make another appearance any time soon because she's stupid. It does look like Lex Luthor and his Legion of Villains Whose Names Begin With an "A" will be assaulting Kara. And of course Power Girl doesn't want anybody else casually saying how much she looks like Supergirl, so Karen Starr needs to put Kara in the ground. For good. I think heroes from Earth 2 are allowed to kill.

At the end of last issue, Supergirl came plummeting back to Earth with Stupid Lava Girl and apparently killed herself. Although she's still Narration Boxing about her "death" as the military drags her away.

I don't remember her being green last issue. Did the colorist not get the memo?

Supergirl is rescued from the military by Power Girl because Power Girl is feeling sick and she thinks it's somehow tied to Supergirl. That makes sense if you're into comic book logic. Supergirl has been poisoned so badly by the Kryptonite that it's leaking into her doppelganger, Power Girl. They don't say a word to each other. They simply reach out and touch fingertips. And their minds melt into one confusing, super hot mess.

If they're the same person, why are they different cup sizes?

I think their differing breast sizes is the main difference between Earth Prime and Earth Two. "How would Earth be different if Kara had smaller boobs and a better ass?" BOOM! FWAAAASH! Earth 2!

The mind melding with Power Girl cures Supergirl of her Kryptonite poison but she doesn't have much time to enjoy it because the military begins firing on them. Is this Lex Luthor's military? I only ask because as soon as they've done their duty (stalling the Supowergirl by getting their asses kicked), The Overgrown Man arrives to smash Power Girl into boob jelly.

Why am I so fixated on Power Girl's boobs this commentary? I blame the cover giving me a glance at the old Boob Window. Also, I love the look on Supergirl's face in this panel.

Whoops! This guy is Appex. I apparently got the names confused in the last issue. I thought Appex was the brainier guy and this guy had yet to have a name so I dubbed him The Overgrown Man. I think I like my name better.

During the fight, Supergirl has another attack of Kryptonite Poisoning. Power Girl carries her away to Supergirl's underwater lair while Lex Luthor berates Appex for failing to learn anything about the girls. That's not fair, Lex. He did learn that they're really, really fast and impossible to follow! That's something.

Back home, The Sanctuary begins healing Supergirl and designs a new old outfit for Power Girl.

This works for me! Oh wait. That's the latest destroyed one. Anyway, the new one looks like the Preboot one. You think I'm going to scan another picture of it when you can just look at the cover again?

After Supergirl begins feeling better, Sanctuary finally flips the fuck out because there are two identical Karas and Kryptonians and Kryptonian Technology have serious issues about clones. It threatens to destroy them although that will have to wait until next issue.

Supergirl #19 Rating: +1 Ranking. I don't know what it is about this comic that I like so much. No, wait. Yes I do. It's Supergirl's bum. And maybe some other undefinable qualities. Like her boobies.


  1. My dude, its a CARTOON!!! You need to get out more. Go to some parties, maybe the bar or club, and find a REAL WOMAN!! Sure, Supergirl has always been a cute girl, but FOR A COMIC BOOK/CARTOON CHARACTER.

    1. You found this blog searching for Supergirl porn, didn't you?
