Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Wonder Woman #12

I bet Brian Azzarello was called Assholerello at least once every day in elementary school.

Last issue, Apollo and Artemis kidnapped Zola after kicking Wonder Woman and Hermes' asses. After which, Wonder Woman and Hermes appeared on Mt. Olympus to get their asses kicked a second time. I'm not sure what has changed that makes them think they can win this time. Perhaps that's what makes Wonder Woman a true hero. I don't think she said, "Is that all you've got?", but I can tell she wanted to say it.

Round Two breaks out in the shadow of Zeus's throne which Apollo is fighting for.

I wonder how many times in his long life Apollo has used this line when confronting Hermes? Also, the Sun God and the Moon Goddess look really nice together.

While the battle happens behind her, Hera decides to throw Zola off of Mt. Olympus and be done with all the drama once and for all. And she's just in time as Zola's water breaks as Hera is dragging her to the edge.

That is just a creepy thought and image. Perhaps DC's next wave should have a title called Zola which simply takes place as she falls forever. She gives birth. She raises her child. She grows old. All while tumbling down the infinite face of Mt. Olympus.

Diana charges after her to save her but before she jumps to fall forever as well, Hermes throws one of his foot feathers at her. It looks like it simply melts into her and gives her the ability to fly. But will it last? Or will it simply deteriorate into the ability to glide? Anyway, she has it long enough to save Zola.

While Diana and Zola are fifty stories below the picture, Apollo sits upon the throne. Hera doesn't try to stop him because she believes Zeus is too much of a narcissistic God to not exist. And she believes that in no way will he allow someone else to take his throne. When Apollo sits and Olympus shakes, Hera believes Zeus has returned. But the shaking is merely Olympus reforming to represent the aesthetic of its new master.

How Hong Kong of him.

In her jealousy and rage to deal with Zola and Zeus's bastard, Little Zeus, Hera didn't quite think through her plan. She also expected Zeus to come back before Apollo gained the power of the King of Gods. She's beaten and with that comes exile. Apollo disappears her with a kiss and a wave of his hand. Apollo also didn't completely think his plan through.

Those seeking power and respect often find the first thing they gain when taking a throne is paranoia.

Once Strife causes trouble because, you know, she can't help it, Diana drops her bracelets to face Artemis. Being that they were a gift from Artemis, Wonder Woman feels she stand a better chance without them. And she was right. She thoroughly beats the green cheese out of Artemis.

I take it Apollo has seen the Max Lord footage and knows what's next since he stops Wonder Woman before she breaks another neck.

Rather than seeing Artemis killed, Apollo makes a deal with Wonder Woman. He'll leave Zola's baby alone so that Diana doesn't feel the need to fulfill the prophecy herself. Being Zeus's daughter, she could possibly be the one meant to kill another God for the throne. She just about did it now! But Apollo puts a condition on the deal: if it turns out Zola's baby is the one to slay a God, then Diana must kill the child herself.

Hmm. If Diana kills the child, then she's killing a God for the throne and fulfilling the prophecy. Which would mean that the child was never the one that was meant to fulfill the prophecy and thus Diana wouldn't need to kill it! But if Diana doesn't kill it, it could possibly be the one to fulfill the prophecy! Prophecies make my head hurt!

After striking the deal, Diana heads back to Earth. She finds Lennox bandaging himself and Hera crying in the streets. And then from inside the clinc, she hears Zola screaming Herme's name. After delivering it, he took it and disappeared.

Zeus missing and now Hera is mortal. Times. They be changing.

For his own reasons not yet explained, Hermes takes the child to Demeter. Just another side with their own agenda, whatever it might be. It sounds like, possibly, they want a huge shift in God Regime. So perhaps they want to raise the child to destroy Olympus. Still, though, their reasons are a mystery.

And the final page shows Orion of the New Gods boom tubing somewhere. Why not?! The more Gods, the bloodier!

Wonder Woman #12 Rating: +1 Ranking. I should just leave Wonder Woman and Action Comics in a tie for second place! So much goodness.

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